Chapter 5

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That night, Daisy confronted Alice about Remus.

"He seems really nice. I think I wanna be friends with him. Just him. And maybe Peter," said Daisy.

"I think that's a brilliant idea! Why don't we ask to do homework with them tonight?" suggested Alice.

"Ok! You can invite Frank as well," said Daisy, wiggling her eyebrows.

Alice blushed at the mention of Frank but agreed.

Both of them made their way to the couches near the fireplace.

"Hey Remus, do want to do homework with us? You can bring Peter along as well," asked Daisy.

"Uh, sure!" said Remus, slightly blushing.

Sirius took this as an opportunity to ask Daisy out on a date.

"Oi Evans! Will you please go out with me?" begged Sirius.

"No means no!" yelled Daisy.

Sirius looked like a dog that had been stepped on. Daisy paid no attention.

"Wow, this reminds me of Lily and James!" exclaimed Alice.

Remus, Peter, Daisy, and Alice went to where Frank was drawing a picture of a lion.

"Hey Frank, do want to work on homework with us?" asked Daisy, gesturing to all of them.

"No, sorry, I already said that I would work with Phil at the Ravenclaw common room in ten minutes," Frank replied, slightly blushing.

"N-no problem," said Alice, blushing furiously.

Frank smiled and went back to charming his drawing to roar.

They went to a quiet corner in the common room and began working.

"Why do they give so much homework over the weekend?" Peter complained.

"I dunno, but we have to do it," replied Alice enthusiastically.

They all rolled their eyes and Alice raised an eyebrow.

They all finished after a while and decided to play Gobstones.

When Sirius and James found out that they were playing Gobstones, they started complaining.

"Without me?" James wailed.

Sirius tried to charm Daisy with his trademark puppy eyes, but for some reason, they didn't work on Daisy.

After about fifteen unsuccessful minutes, James and Sirius gave up and went back to planning pranks.

"Phew," said Daisy, wiping fake sweat.

Remus and Peter started laughing.

"You know, Sirius and James aren't as bad as you think," said Remus.

"Oh really? I might take your word for it. One day." Daisy said.

"Ok," said Remus, giving her a cheeky grin.

Daisy felt her cheeks heat up.

Do I have feelings for Remus?

On a rather cloudy Tuesday, Remus Lupin was looking very sickly. He looked pale and refused to tell Daisy and Alice what was wrong. The rest of the marauders seemed to know.

Daisy decided to go to the library to get a couple of books to learn more about Amortentia, a potion she was learning about that smells like things you love. Daisy's smelled like strawberries, vanilla, and surprisingly, Remus's hair.

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