Chapter 29

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One date. One drink in Hogsmeade. One walk around the lake.

And all of that determined Lily Evans and James Potter's relationship. Yes, the two were officially dating.

And that absolutely broke Daisy Evans heart. Completely.

Daisy Evans was never someone who showed her feelings. She hid herself when she was feeling down. when she Rea;ly couldn't get up, she never cried in front of people. In her whole life, she had never felt this more depressed. She thought that she had no right to feel this way, but every time she looked Lily or James way, she would see the two holding hands, or James hand around Lily's shoulders, him whispering something into her ear making Lily blushed, the two kissing...

Bloody hell.

Her friends weren't blind. They saw Daisy's expression, and they knew instantly what Daisy was feeling,

Alice, who had been her best friend since first grade tried talking to her, but these days, Daisy's mind was completely on exams and the tournament, and she was blocking out everyone. Mary was super worried about Daisy, she seldomly acted this way, and when she actually did, Mary started to freak out.

Remus was already trying to come up with plans to cheer Daisy up, but none of them really worked. Remus really was just completely blind when it came to relationship problems, Sirius still wondered how he and Mary were still dating. Sirius was the most calm. He knew that the problem wasn't with Daisy, it was with James.

"Hey, Daisy!" Someone called to her from behind. Daisy spun around and saw the least person she wanted to see at the current moment.

"Hey James." She said, really tired out.

"So, I was just wondering if you were up for a game Quidditch?" James asked. Daisy frowned. She hadn't been playing Quidditch for a long time, since Dumbledore wanted to focus on the tournament this year, it was kind of a bummer out for the other houses, but for Gryffindor it didn't really matter because they had three champions.

"Um...why?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"We haven't been playing Quidditch forever! I just really want to get in a good game! Wouldn't that be great? We could get the whole Gryffindor team together, and then ask some people to play, and soon we can have a game! Wouldn't that be amazing?" James asked, looking really excited.

Daisy took a long look at James and sighed. He just had such a cute smile. Finally, Daisy nodded.

"Yes!" James cheered.

"Race you down to the pitch!" James shouted and pushed past Daisy, running down the stairs. Daisy let out a laugh and followed him. The two raced down to the school grounds, and grabbed their brooms on the way.

They saw students look their way but for the first time, Daisy didn't have a care in the world. She should wanted to be free and do whatever she wanted. They raced down and obviously James was quicker, but he let Daisy get there first.

"Okay! I just realized, we need to find people to plays with us!" Daisy said. James shook his head.

"Actually....I just wanted it to be the two of us." James said softly. Daisy's heart stopped beating completely. She looked at James and her mouth dropped open. She felt like this was a dream, but then it felt so wrong.

"What?" She asked, her eyes bulging out.

"Shit! I didn't mean it like that, I just realized that you haven't been talking to anyone, and you've been really distant and I just thought that you wanted to talk to me, or we could spend some more time together as good friends." James said. Daisy just nodded.

She hadn't realized how mean she had been to her friends, always brushing them off these days. She definitely should put her friends first, and not some stupid crush for some boy who already had a girlfriend.

"Yeah, you're right, I'm sorry. Why don't we play?" And so that Friday nice evening, the two raced in the air, passed around quaffle, and had a competition for searching for the snitch, which Daisy obviously won. They had such a good time they decided that they would do this every week but next time they would invite the quidditch team.

Daisy stopped caring so much about her crush and just saw James as a friend. But after what they did together today, she realized something: her crush for James deepened.

Just great.

Sirius Black was freaking out. He was freaking out completely. He had never been more nervous in his life.The first task was coming soon yet he had put no effort in preparing for it. He had lost his mind.

Sirius Black had never been nervous for tests, or quidditch games, or anything, but this, this was a matter of life and death, and he was absolutely freaking out.

"I might get killed!" He started shacking Remus. Remus rolled his eyes.

"Well, that's why you have Daisy, who's been preparing for years now." Remus said and brushed Sirius. Sirius's hands dropped down and nodded.

"Oh, right. I forgot about Daisy, and James." Sirius rushed up to the library and found Daisy and James sitting together in a table beside the window.

"Guys! We have to prepare! And why didn't you guys call me up?" Sirius asked, truly hurt. Daisy rolled her eyes.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because I've been trying to get you to come and help get information forever, but then you would brush me off. I only just got James to help." Daisy said, glaring at Sirius. Sirius gulped.

"So, so sorry Daisy." Sirius said. Daisy just sighed but she could never stay mad at Sirius forever.

"Okay, just sit down. This is what I've got so far. The first task is almost always something that has got to be related to a magical creature. We're going to have to put out and review everything we've learned in Care of magical creatures." Sirius and James looked at each other.

"We' never listened much to that class." Sirius said quietly, knowing Daisy would start screaming at him.

"Yeah, the teacher was really, really boring." James said. Daisy rolled her eyes and pushed six books up to each of them.

"Start reading. Review." She demanded and they did as told.

"So, I've been thinking a lot, and I think I know what kind of creatures they will put In front of us. For instance, big ones, and dangerous ones too." She said.

"Like trolls?" James suggested. Daisy nodded.

"Nah, trolls are nothing, what about...a werewolf?" Sirius asked, thinking about Remus. Daisy rolled her eyes.

"It's not the full moon yet." Daisy pointed out. Sirius nodded.

"Oh! Right, what about Goblins?" Sirius suggested again. James shook his head.

"No, too small. And they just like money, nothing else." James said. Sirius slumped his shoulders. Then he had an idea.

"What about...dragons?" Sirius asked. Daisy's eyes brightened.

"Possibly!" Daisy exclaimed.

"I've got something much better! What about... a giant?" James asked. Daisy thought for a minute, a long minute.

"Is would they even get a giant?" Sirius asked.

"It's possible, but I'm thinking dragons are easier to get..." The three worked together from that night on, thinking about possible creatures and learning how to defend themselves from them, learning how to attack them. James smiled. They were definitely ready. The three of them were invincible. No creature could get past them.

Or not.

"Giants? Professor, are you crazy?" 

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