Chapter 38

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It was Christmas break, and also one of the first times when Lily and Daisy were being actual sisters and hanging out normally.

Their gang were all in one compartment, and It was basically impossible, since they had a lot of people, including Daisy, Lily, Marlene, Mary, Alice, Sirius, James, Peter, Remus, Frank and his good friend Phil.

"Well, this is...cozy." Sirius managed to crack a laugh. Daisy pulled out a book and started reading like always when her book was pulled away by James.

"What, Potter?" Daisy was super tired, and when she was tired, she had a super bad temper. James just gave her a toothy grin.

"Stop reading, Daisy. It's winter break. It's also our last time together like um...." James pulled Daisy up.

"Like what...." Daisy asked. James just shrugged and pulled her away.

"Let's go get some snacks!" James said playfully and they skipped over to find the lady with the snacks. James cheeks were burning. He just wanted to spend some alone time with Daisy.

After James broke up with Lily, or actually Lily broke up with James, he just had a weird feeling inside of him. He wasn't sad, and when Lily said something about going to get Daisy, something triggered in James.

Go get Daisy, James.

James didn't really understand what she meant then, but slowly, the more he looked at Daisy, the more he has a weird feeling. It was like someone put a hand in him and squeezed it. He just wanted to spend more time with Daisy.

After they got back home, their parents greeted Lily warmly, of course, and they actually hugged Daisy. That was surprising for Daisy, since they hardly paid attention to her. Daisy had a feeling that Lily had something to do with that, since she winked at her.

"You're in good terms with Lily?" Petunia asked, her eyes wide. Daisy nodded and grinned. She hoped that now she was in good terms with Lily, very good terms with her twin, she hoped that Petunia could get along with Lily too.

Too bad, not happening.

Petunia didn't talk to Daisy for days. Finally, after Daisy apologized and apologized, Petunia finally started talking to Daisy. She refused to be in good terms with Lily, and Lily didn't complain. Daisy had a good winter vacation, their family all getting along happily, well almost all.

She also caught up with Lily, they had years to talk about, and she was happy that Lily was now the best friend she once was to Daisy. Petunia also told her that she was now in a serious relationship with Vernon Dursley, and Daisy was happy for her, even though Vernon was a jerk.

Everyone seems to be happily in a relationship, except for me...

The third task was coming in no time.

How did time get past so fast?

Daisy was walking down the stairs with James and Sirius. They were suppose to be meeting the judges down at the quidditch pitch, where they would get to know what the third task would be about.

Daisy was kind of relieved. For the past two tasks, they didn't know about the task. They only got some clues, so they were always in a hurry to figure out what to do. This time, they could have more time to prepare, since they would know what they would have to fight in the task.

"So, this is the third and final task." Dumbledore said, smiling his same smiling and turned and pointed at the quidditch pitch.

Daisy's eyes widened.

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