Chapter 10

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Daisy and Alice were studying in the library when someone slumped into the chair beside them. Alice slowly looked up, while Daisy saw who it was in the corner of her eye.

"What are you doing here?" Alice asked Mary, who looked very down.

"Well..I'm actually hiding," Mary said.

Her eyes looked teary, and she looked very sad.

"Okay, I'm confused. Are you okay?" Daisy asked slowly. Mary shook her head.

"No, it's not okay." She said. Alice shrugged and looked at Mary weirdly.

"Who exactly are you hiding from?" Alice asked Mary.

"Well...I'm hiding from two people. Lily andMarlene." Mary said slowly. Alice and Daisy looked at each other.

"Well...if this has anything to do with Lily and Marlene...we are out of here," Daisy said, and she and Alice stood up, attempting to leave the library. Mary grabbed her hand.

"Please help me," Mary whimpered.

"Why come to us? You've hated us forever," Alice said, rolling her eyes. Mary sighed.

"Please..." Mary pleaded.

Mary was the nicest one in the three girls. Lily was the queen bee, the one who made all of the decisions, Marlene was her second, the meanest one, the prettiest one, and Mary was...she was the one stuck in the middle.

"Well? What do you want us to do?" Daisy asked. Mary looked around them, then suddenly, her eyes widened and she quickly jumped behind a bookshelf.

"What the...what are you doing?" Alice asked, but she was a bit amused by Mary's behavior.

"I'm hiding from Lily. Did she see me?" Mary asked, her eyes filled with fear. Alice and Daisy looked at each other and chuckled.

"Okay, the coast is clear. She left," Daisy said.

"With like one hundred books in her bag," Alice added. Daisy rolled her eyes, and Mary laughed.

"Anyway...why are you hiding from Lily and Marlene?" Daisy asked, suddenly curious.

"Well...they want me to choose," Mary said, sighing deeply. Alice looked at her weirdly.

"What do you mean?" Alice asked Mary. She obviously didn't know what was going on. Daisy rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"What Mary means is that she has to choose between her two best friends. It's so obvious that Marlene and Lily split, and they want Mary as their sidekick, so Mary has to choose." Daisy said like it was super obvious.

"Hey! What do you mean sidekick?" Mary asked a bit offended. Daisy and Alice shared a look.

"Not to be rude or anything, but it is pretty obvious that those two are just using you," Alice said, wrinkling her nose.

"No. No, no, no. I cannot agree with a statement like that," Mary said, hiding her face behind her hands.

"You know that it's true..." Daisy said. Mary sighed deeply.

"Yeah...I know." Mary said. Daisy and Alice shared a look of victory. Then Mary did something unexpected. She started ranting about her friends.

"Marlene is the meanest girl I've ever met. She thinks she's so pretty, and all the boys like her, and in front of everybody, she pretends to be my friend, but in reality, she thinks I'm ugly ad uptight. As for Lily, she's is bossy, and we have to do everything she wants, also, she has a twin and everything, and Marlene and I are just, well, there. While I devote my life to them, they think of me just as a sidekick. You're absolutely right," Mary said in one breath. Daisy and Alice looked at each other and burst into laughter. Mary frowned, then started laughing too.

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