Chapter 9

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Travis looked like he wanted to ask her questions but instead he hooked  his thumb over his shoulder. "There's fresh coffee in the kitchen along with french toast if you want any."   The power had come on sometime during the night so he thought it would be a nice thing to do for her. "You had just enough ingredients to make it." He said with a smile as he remembered that they never made it to the store.

"That sounds good Travis." She said nervously. "You really didn't have to go to any trouble. I could have made my own breakfast." She rubbed her arms as tried to settle her nerves. She wondered if her wanting to finish what he had started made her a slut. She didn't see herself that way but she still pondered it as she made her way past him.

"It's alright I'm used to cooking anyway." He rubbed his hand across the back of his neck as he looked at the floor. "I think I'm gonna head home now. I've got some things to go over for work that need to get done before the weekend is over. So ..I'll see you later?" He asked hating how he was acting like a love struck teenager. "Yeah I'll see you later." He turned and grabbed his shirt but before he could put it on a set of arms wrapped around his slender waist.

"I'm sorry Travis." She mumbled into his back. He could feel her lips moving against his bare skin and held back a groan as his pants grew tighter as the erection that he had finally gotten rid of  returned with a vengeance.

"There you go again with the apologizes. There is nothing to apologize for sweet pea." He didn't dare turn to her for fear she'd run so he stood still waiting to see what her next move was going to be.

He felt her lips kiss his back and a groan did slip out. "Please stay and eat with me?" She whispered unsure if he even heard her. At his silent nod she knew he had. She placed one more tender kiss and left him alone in the living room.

 Hands on his hips he closed his eyes and took several deep breaths to try to calm himself down some. "This woman is going to be the death of me yet." He grumbled quietly as he put his shirt on and headed to the kitchen.

She sat at the table preparing her french toast. He watched her quietly for a second before he went in and took a seat at the table next to her. He noticed that she was pouring her syrup onto her food, but he chuckled when he realized she had poured it into a smiley face.

"What?" She asked with her bottom lip stuck out in the slightest of a pout. He just wanted to lean over and take that lip into his mouth but he held himself in check.

"Nothing sweetpea. Just eat your food." He had already eaten his breakfast before she came out so he just grabbed a cup of coffee and sat at the table next to her. He stared into his cup as she ate in silence. He had so many things he wanted to ask her but he didn't want to upset her. He heard her moan and it was almost his undoing when he looked up to see her face. Her eyes had closed on their own accord and the fork was sliding slowly out from between those sweet lips of hers. Her entire body was relaxed as she savored the bite in her mouth.

"Dis ish eishious." She said with her mouth full as she looked at him in amazement.

He chuckled as he watched her enjoyment. "I'm glad you like it sweet pea, but it's not polite to talk with your mouth full." He said as he shot her a wink only to see her blush at his insinuation.

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