Chapter 15

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Vanessa woke up and rolled over onto her side. She didn't want to see anyone she just wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Why did this have to happen to her? Why did he come back? Why couldn't he just leave her alone and let her live her life peacefully?

She heard someone enter the room and felt her body stiffen. "Hey Ness.How you doing?"Shy asked.

"I was tortured and raped Shy. How do you think I am feeling?" She said coldly.

"I'm sorry Ness I didn't mean..."

"Just go away and leave me alone Shy. It's better for all of us if you just stay away from me."

"I don't care if the sky falls down today and kills me Ness, cause I'm not leaving you." Shy huffed. "You are stuck with me until I die and I don't plan on letting that happen any time soon. So you are just going to have to deal with it missy. George does not scare me and he is not going to get the satisfaction of chasing me away, but I will leave you for now. I have to do someone a favor and when he gets here I want you to be nice to him because he is only trying to help you." She walked over to the other side of the bed so she could see her friends face and looked her in the eye. "Do you understand me Vanessa?"

"Yes mam. God you sound like my mother." Vanessa mumbled.

"Good because someone needs to. I love you Ness and I'm so sorry this happened again. I'll send your lawyer in here to get things going" Shy turned and quietly walked to the door.

"Shy I don't have a lawyer and even if I did I can't afford one."

"He's doing a favor for a family member and it's all taken care of, so don't worry about it."  Vanessa sat there and pondered who this person could be that is helping her out when she heard a deep voice fill the room.

"Hey sweet pea. How you doing?" He said nervously. He was afraid she'd order him away.

"Travis? What are you doing here?"

"It's alright sweet pea I brought you here. Don't you remember?" He asked as he took the seat he'd previously occupied. I don't understand." She was even more confused now then what she had been a few minutes ago.

"You were in shock when I found you. You were talking to me but you didn't seem to realize it. You were mumbling the whole way here and wouldn't let go of my hand. This is the first time I've seen you awake since we got here and I'm glad you are a little better. I'm just sorry I wasn't there when you needed me to be. I should never have stayed and talked to Denise I should have just dropped off Sean and headed home but I needed to straighten out a few things with her and..."

"Shh Travis it's okay. This is not your fault you didn't do it and there was nothing that could have stopped it." She said as she searched his face for his feelings.

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