Chapter 19

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The next morning Shy reached for Trent as she stretched out her sore body. She remembered the amazing night they had shared together and smiled to herself.

They made love outside until the sun had threatened to come up before moving to his room where she fell asleep in his arms, but now he was gone.

She jumped out of bed and dressed quickly. As she walked down the hall she heard the guys talking in the kitchen.

"I told you," she heard Trent say, "we were both wasted and I let her have my bed and I took the couch. I didn't want her driving home and I was in no condition to drive her."

"You are such a bad liar." Travis laughed. "How do you ever win a case?"

"That's easy I tell the truth." Trent stated bluntly as he saw Shy motion to him from the doorway. Travis had his back to the door and didn't see her.

"Believe what you want to Trav you always do anyway." He pushed out of his chair and took one last drink of his coffee. "I gotta take a leak."

Before he left the room he stopped to look at Travis. "You know Trav it's really none of your business what or who I do. Last I checked we weren't kids anymore. If I want you to know something I will tell you." He left Travis pondering his last words.

"I guess nothing happened after all. If it did you wouldn't be so pissy today." Travis yelled after him.

He met Shy in the bedroom and closed the door. He went to where she was standing and wrapped his arms around her. He brought his head down and took her lips in a passionate kiss as he pushed her against the wall. He wanted her again right now he didn't care who heard or knew. He started to kiss her neck when she spoke.




He jerked his head back and stared at her. "What?"

"I said stop."

"What's wrong?"

"Are you sorry about last night?"

"No. Should I be? Are you?" 

"No Last night was amazing. I don't regret any of it. Well maybe the lack of sleep, she mumbled, but that's it."

"So what's the problem?"

"I heard you talking to Travis, and it seemed like you were adamant on him not knowing. So I can't touch or kiss you in their presence." She pouted as he laughed. "What's so funny?"

"You are my dear."

"Why am I funny?"

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