Chapter 12

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Travis picked up his 4 year old boy and walked to the kitchen. "What do you want for breakfast kiddo?"

"Mick Mouse pantakes." He said through a yawn as Travis carefully put him in a chair.

"Mickey Mouse huh? I think I can do that." He said as he ruffled Sean's hair.  "Does your leg or arm hurt?" He asked as he gathered the stuff he needed.

"Yeah a little."

"I'll be right back then you stay put." He said as he went to the living room where he'd left Sean's bag. He got out the medicine for him and gave him the right dose to help ease the pain and made sure he took his antibiotic before starting the pancakes.

While he cooked he thought about Vanessa and wondered why she had left like she did and why she had said those things to Trent. She had to have known he was his brother. Why did she think he would leave her and go to another woman like that? He shook his head as he remembered the things she had said about her ex and the things he had done to her. He was kicking himself for being so stupid. How was she supposed to know who Denise was?

He scooped up the pancakes and placed one on Sean's plate and two on his. He put the plate in front of Sean and put his at his seat before getting the butter and syrup out.

"What do you want to drink?" He asked.

"Milk pwease."

"Coming right up." Travis placed the milk in front of his son before he poured a glass for himself and sat down to eat. They had mindless chatter about Sean's favorite cartoons and about a girl in his preschool class that tried to kiss him. Travis chuckled at his son when he explained how  she had chased him around the playground until he was cornered and kissed him right on the mouth.

Sean scrunched up his nose and stuck out his tongue as he let out a loud "YUCK girls are nasty. I don't wike any girl but my mommy." He took one more bite and then pushed the plate away. "Can I watch cartoons now daddy?"

Travis nodded and picked him up and carried him to the couch and turned the TV on to one of his favorite cartoons. " Now you stay there and I'm going to go do the dishes and I will be right back alright?" He watched as Sean nodded already interested in the action on tv.

As he did the dishes he thought about just how lucky they had been that Sean was even here.


He was going in to wake up Vanessa and surprise her with another round of  sex and cuddling when his phone rang.


"Oh Travis thank God I reached you. You have to get to the hospital now Sean's been in an accident. I don't know if he's alright or not they have him in x-ray and I can't go in." Denise sobbed on the other end. "He was beside me then he was gone and there were skreeching tires and a loud thud. I ran over and saw Sean on the ground all bloody and...Oh God what if he doesn't make it Travis?"

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