chapter 27

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I want to dedicate this chapter to czuzman. You know who u are. Thanks for the wonderful comments on every single chapter. Some of them were hilarious.  Thanks girl u definitely made my day. This is for you.

This is a pic of Mona. Vanessa's boss.


"There's no identification on this man." The older cop said to the younger one that was looking around the scene.

"No there isn't and no one here seems to know him either. The other guy has admitted that he isn't from here but a couple of counties over. He came here to meet new people and everything went bad." He spotted something on the floor and bent to retrieve it. "Look at this Martin." He said as he held up a cell phone he had found. He woke it up and scanned through it. There wasn't much on it but he did find some pictures that were very disturbing on it.

It depicted a woman that was tied up and bleeding badly. She was badly beaten and it was hard to tell who or where she was but he was going to find out as soon as he possibly could.

They were starting to walk away when the man on the floor coughed, causing them all to jump. "I thought he was dead." The younger officer yelled as he ran over to help the man on the floor.

"I thought he was too." The older officer yelled as he called for the paramedics. George had never been dead but his heart rate had dropped so low that the first officers on scene had thought he was dead.

"Well if this phone is his; he just might wish he was dead." The young detective replied as he stood to the side to let the paramedics in to work on this man.

George woke up in the hospital in immense pain. He was told that he was still in critical condition because they had to repair his lung and the damage to his heart. He was going to be monitored closely for the next few weeks. He tried to get up but the cuffs on his wrists where restraining his efforts.

"Why am I cuffed?" He yelled. "I didn't do anything. He stabbed me." He was very weak and the effort he was giving at that moment was too great and he passed out. 

He woke up a  few  hours later and was in so much pain he couldn't stand it. He yelled for the nurse until she entered the room with a guard on her heels. "I need pain medicine I'm in pain." He demanded of her.

"Mr. Mason I assure you that you have the highest dose we can give you and cannot under any circumstances give you any more. You will just have to calm down and let the medicine do it's work." She replied in her firm tone.

"I will not calm down. I want some more pain meds right now you stupid bitch." He yelled as he yanked on his restraints. She called in the doctor and they sedated him so he wouldn't hurt himself anymore then he already was. This went on for the next week and a half. Every time he woke up he demanded more meds for the pain and every time he was denied.

At the of the eleventh day he woke up screaming that it hurt. The staff tried to figure out what he was screaming about when his body seized as he went into convulsions. His body was under to much stress and was fighting him back. He had several seizures before they got him back to normal. Four hours later when the staff were busy with their other duties and the patients were sleeping his body started seizing one more time. No one came to help him this time as they were not aware of his struggle. No one was at the nurses station because there had been an emergency down the hall and they were under staffed that night.

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