Chapter 1

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Ten years old:
Colby's P.O.V

"Colby, hun, Sam's here!" My mother called from the living room where she stood along with my best friend; Sam. I hurried out my simple-looking bedroom and rushed down the steps, almost tripping.

"Sam!" I exclaimed and ran to him, engulfing him in a warm hug. "Hey Colby!" He smiled brightly and pulled away moments after. "Lets go to my room." I suggested and he nodded frantically.

My mother smiled and shook her head lightly before returning to making lunch. I grabbed Sam's hand and ran with him upstairs. I shut the bedroom door and walked towards my two councils, grabbing one for myself and the other for Sam.

He gladly took it and we sat down in front of the tv, playing Minecraft. Soon, we heard footsteps ascending the stairs before a light knock was heard at my room door. "Come in mom." I called out and the door was pushed in.

My mother gasped and crossed her arms as she stared down at us. "Do you two boys do anything other than play this silly game?" She raised an eyebrow and walked in. She unplugged the tv and the screen cut out.

"Mom!" I whined and looked up at her pouting. "Go outside and have some fun! The weather his great outside!" She exclaimed making us giggle lightly. "Can we play Minecraft after?" We plead and she nodded smiling,

"Sure, but go live life a bit and explore." She spoke and gently grabbed our arms, lifting us up. She took away the councils and placed them back on the shelf where they belonged. She gestured us out of the room and down the stairs, until we willingly continued.


"Where do you want to go?" Sam asked as we walked away from the house. "You wanna run around in the corn field?" I gasped and he nodded with lit eyes. "Let's go!" I exclaimed and began running as Sam chased after.

Soon I was engulfed by the tall corn field leaving tracks every step that I run. I looked behind me and surely Sam was close by. He laughed loudly and kept running as the wind hits against our skin.

"This is fun!" He exclaimed and tackled me to the ground. We burst out laughing as small corn bits fall on us as we cover our faces. I open my eyes and realize my face was so close to Sam's.

He panted lightly and laughed a bit. My cheeks slowly turned red as I got off of him. Thankfully he didn't notice. "S-Sorry." I panted and slowly stood up. I put out my hand for him and he gladly took it, smiling at me.

"That was fun." He breathed out and I nodded in approval, pulling him up. "I think we should head back home now. It's really late." I suggested and he nodded with a small sigh.

We began walking, putting up some conversations then laying in comfortable silence. The sunset around us sent beautiful colors all around, making the view of the field look better.

I gasped lightly noticing Sam's uneasy face and realized what the problem was. He was scared of sunsets. I furrowed my eyebrows and grabbed his hand smiling. "It's okay Sam. We're soon home." I assured and he sent a smile back.

We looked back into the distance and got out of the corn field, heading home. Once we arrived at my house, I waved Sam goodbye as he headed back to his home. I smiled and walked into my house, easily greeted by family.

"Dad!" I exclaimed once I was picked up and pulled into a warm embrace. "Hey son!" He exclaimed in the same tone making me laugh. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly before letting go.

He placed me back on my feet and ruffled my hair making me smile. Gage ran upstairs to play with his game leaving me with my parents as usual. "Where's Sam?" He asked in confusion since Sam always stays for dinner.

"He had to go home to see his parents." I replied simply and took of my shoes, placing them on the side. My father hummed in approval and placed down his work bag, seeming as he just returned home.

"Well that's a bummer. Maybe he'll stay for dinner another day." He assured and I nodded in approval..

735 words

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