Chapter 3

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Colby's P.O.V

Students flood the halls along with jocks and teachers, exiting their previous classes and wanting to finish the day. I grunted a little as people nudged me here and there and sent them glares.

I finally arrived at my locker and let out a sigh before opening it. I placed in my books along with my gym clothes, feeling my body ache. And from that you can already know we had Physical Education, aka torture.

Soon enough, the halls were empty, leaving me with my thoughts. Until I was painfully slammed against the lockers. I clenched my teeth in pain and looked up spotting Chandler and his 'crew'.

"Chandler-" I began but he cut me off by grabbing the collar of my shirt and picking me back up. "Why hello there wimp." He laughed and pushed me back against the lockers. "Where's your buddy Sam, aye?" His friends laughed as he held me still.

I pried at his hand but it was to no avail. "Let m-me go Chandler." I demanded but it unfortunately came out as a plead. Damn my stuttering. "Let me go Chandler." He mocked and threw a punch at my stomach.

I let out an agonizing yelp and clutched my stomach in pain. He chuckled and lifted me back up, grabbing a fist-full of my hair. I gasped and shut my eyes tightly, awaiting the impact of the hit I'm bound to receive.

"Chandler!" A voice boomed through the hall, making me jump in fear. I opened my horror filled eyes and spotted the one and only Katrina walking over. "Well hello there, beautiful." He smirked and dropped me.

Chandler went to grab her arm but she quickly grabbed his wrist and kneed him in the stomach. "Don't touch me, you bastard." She huffed and glared down at him as he crouched in pain.

She hurried to my side and helped me up. "Are you okay, love?" She asked, worry laced within her caring words. "I-I'm okay." I spoke, wincing when she lifted my shirt a little. "You poor thing." She coed and furrowed her eyebrows.


"Alright Colby. You're free to go." The nurse smiled and I thanked her before standing up. "Take care of yourself." I nodded and walked out of the nurse's office. Katrina insisted I go get checked up on, so after minutes of demanding and a few glares I finally agreed.

I let out a sigh and head to the cafeteria, filled with students' chattering and arguing. The usual. On the way, Katrina sent me a soft smile and I sent one back before heading to Sam and I's usual table..

447 words

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