Chapter 6

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Colby's P.O.V

"Hey, are you okay?" Sam asked in concern as he walked up beside me. "Yeah. I don't know what would've happened if was home alone Sam." I sighed as we walked on the pavement, heading to school.

"Hey, as long as you're alright now then that's what's important." He spoke and I could hear the upsetting expression evident in his words. "W-What if they come back?" I whimpered, looking over at him in a hint of fear.

He furrowed his eyebrows and sighed lightly. "I.. I don't know. Just don't open up if they do." He replied, looking ahead. I nodded lightly and let out a deep breath, trying to calm down.

'It was probably some prank.' I thought to myself and ran a hand through my hair. "Don't think about it too much. It was probably nothing." Sam assured, noticing my uneasy expression. Yet he seemed unsure himself.

Feeling a wet substance suddenly drip down my forehead, I looked up and more dropped down on my face. It's raining. Sam smiled over at me and quickly grabbed my hand, running off.

I gasped as the water began pouring down and ran faster as I let out a laugh. "Get inside! Quick!" Sam shrieked once the school building came into view. "Go, Go, Go!" He laughed and we pushed through the school doors, letting the warmth engulf us.

Sam ruffled his hair causing water droplets to splash around on the other students as they groaned and glared at us. I accidentally slipped a giggle and Sam looked at me with wide eyes.

"That was cute." He chuckled and I felt my cheeks redden a bit. I ruffled my hair as well and walked into the restroom, Sam close behind. "I'm soaked." I groaned and he laughed by me as he took off his jacket.

"Same." He nodded and reached into his bag, grabbing his sport shirt. Smart. He held it between his legs and took off his current shirt. I looked away instantly, knowing I'll full on drool over him if I stare. He was fit.

He slipped on the school shirt and crumpled his other one, shoving it in his bag. Once we were done, we walked out of the restrooms and headed to our lockers. I grabbed my beanie from my locker and slipped it on.

I shut my locker with a slam and scrunched my face a little before heading over to the blue-eyed blond who carelessly shoved in his things. I chuckled and shook my head as I awaited him.

(T i m e S k i p)
       In class

I looked up from my text book, hearing the teacher huff and slam her book against the table in frustration. "Samuel Golbach do you mind not interrupting my class with your unnecessary muttering?!" She demanded, seeming as she'd had enough.

Sam rolled his eyes and wrote down a few notes, ignoring her. She huffed and returned to her explaining. I furrowed my eyebrows and returned to my text book confused. Minutes later, muttering and a light giggle erupted from the back.

I looked back and surely Sam and Katrina were talking again. The room went silent once the teacher had stopped explaining and glared at the twosome anger. "You two, detention after school, tomorrow!" She yelled making me jump along with the two.

God damnit Sam. What have you gotten yourself into?

Sam rolled his eyes once more and sat back in his chair. I shook my head lightly and returned to my text book, once more. What is up with him?

602 words

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