Chapter 4

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Colby's P.O.V

 "You knew I liked her!" Sam yelled as he paced around his room in frustration. "I did but I didn't try anything, Sam! I would never!" I argued back as I stood in the center of the room, trying to calm him down.

Someone had taken a video of Katrina and I walking off, but cut it at that. They didn't even show where she was taking me; the nurse's office. "Well this video says otherwise!" He exclaimed, shoving his phone at me.

I took it and pressed play on the video as Sam's anger boils slowly. The video was cut out and silence had surrounded us two. "What do you have to say to that? I can't believe you Colby, you knew I liked her yet you jumped in." He scoffed and I just stood, taking in the accusations until I got a chance to speak.

"It's always about you, isn't it? How selfish can you truly be-" "I don't even like girls Sam!" I yelped and the room went dead silent. Not a little sound being heard other than our heavy breathing.

That's when I knew I truly fucked up. "I.." I trailed off and ran out of the room, tears brimming at my eyes. I just came out to my best friend and now I might lose him to a mistake I had done.

"Colby!" He called after me but I had already blocked everything out. I just couldn't bare hearing the insults he'll throw at me or the judgment I'll get to see plastered on his face as he does so. I just couldn't.

I ran down the sidewalk and kept running until my feet gave out. I walked into the abandoned factory where both Sam and I always hang out at, and let my tears fall freely. What have I done?


I sat on the roof of the building as I looked over at the sundown, letting my thoughts get the best of my mind. What will he think of me now? What will others think? Will he tell? And to all those, I didn't know the answer.

I heard the quiet clanks of metal but ignored them and stared into the distance. "Hello?" A voice called as a figure struggled up the ladder. "Is anyone up there?" The voice called again making me sigh.

At this point I didn't care if it was a murderer or psychopath. I stayed silent and hugged my knees, hoping they would just leave me alone. The person huffed and pulled themselves up, strugglingly.

He walked closer and sat down near me. That when I realized who it was; Sam. I stayed seated, not having the guts to run away anymore and awaited what he had to say. "I'm sorry," He began, looking over at me.

I sniffled and nodded as I stared down at the metal holding us up. "Colby.." He spoke and lifted my chin so I was looking at him. "I don't hate you, nor will I ever. I accept you as you are and support you. Never forget that." He spoke softly as he wiped my tears and sent a smile.

"C'mere." He chuckled and pulled me into his chest as he hugged me tightly. Oh how fast relief had taken over my heart as the thought of losing him faded slowly.

I hugged back, wishing I could tell him how I truly feel. Wishing I could tell him the love I hold for him. But he likes someone else, and seems as straight as a line. Not an accidental curve within it.

We spent the rest of the sundown talking things out and laughing as we try brightening up the mood. I looked over at Sam, a bright smile on his face as his eyes sparkle within the sundown colors.

I think I've fallen in love.

644 words

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