Chapter 2

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Seven years in:
Colby's P.O.V

I drape my bag straps over my shoulders and take a bite of my apple before throwing it away. "Bye mom. I'm heading out." I announced and kissed her cheek. I ran a hand through my hair and walked out of the house, shutting the door after me.

I plugged in my earphones and put it on shuffle play, letting whatever be chosen be heard. I had quite a lot of songs and never knew which one to pick, so shuffle play was my only choice. I hummed to one of my favorite songs being Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons and bobbed my head to the song, the music getting the best of me.

Music was what gets me through the school days or the stress I may be feeling at any moment. It was like bliss to my ears; if that makes sense that is. I jumped feeling a firm hand on my shoulder and looked over, spotting Samuel Golbach.

My best friend, my other half, and currently my crush. That is certainly correct. I like my best friend but he probably doesn't like me back. I took out my earphones and wrapped them around my phone, stuffing them away.

"Sorry to ruin the mood." He chuckled making me laugh lightly. "It's cool. Not the first time." I laughed and he playfully punched my shoulder. "Piece of shit." He grumbled making me laugh again.

As we carried on walking, we spotted a group of four far ahead, laughing and punching one other. "Shit." Sam mumbled and walked slower. "What? What's wrong?" I asked in worry as I squinted and walked at the same pace.

"It's Chandler and his crew." Sam huffed, yet I couldn't see clearly. I groaned a little and reached into my bag, grabbing the small case protecting my glasses. I threw them on and a frown made its way up my face as everything cleared up. I have to wear those more often.

"Don't mind them. They-" "Hey losers!" Chandler called out and walked over with a smirk plastered on his face. I sighed and just pushed through them, not up for their usual mockery. Suddenly I was yanked down onto the pavement causing my glasses to fall off.

I grunted and went to stand back up, when the four started approaching. Here we go. "Hey, back off!" Sam exclaimed and pushed them back. "Let it go Chandler! Just leave us be." He huffed and picked me up.

I brushed myself off in slight agony and slipped my arms through my bag straps. Sam reached down and grabbed my glasses, handing them to me. "Wimps. You can't stand up for yourself, can you?" They laughed and threw small pebbles at us as we walked away.

"You okay?" Sam asked with furrowed eyebrows as he looks my way. "Y-Yeah. Little sore but I'll be fine." I assured and dusted my hands lightly. He sighed and nodded a bit, leaving the silence to engulf us comfortably.


I let out a sigh of relief once we entered the school gates on time, and headed inside along with Sam. "Welcome to hell." Sam mumbled as we walked towards our lockers, coincidentally in the same hall as one another.

I let out a sigh and open up my locker, shoving my things in in the process. I pulled out some books and placed them in my bag as I separate the unneeded. "You've zoned out." I stated catching Sam's attentions as he was now standing beside me.

I followed his gaze and spotted Katrina Stuart, the school's sweetest and most popular girl. She had her blue hair let down and her books loosely held against her chest as she chats with her friends; Devyn Lundy and Lauren Auri.

Sam's lips tugged into a smile once a light laugh left Katrina's plump lips, her smile brightening up the room. As much as it hurts, I knew Sam really liked this girl. "Why don't you just talk to her dude?" I nudged him and he looked at me dumbfounded.

"Are you insane?! Wait, of course you are." He rambled making cross my arms and raise an eyebrow. "Dude I can't just go up to her and begin a conversation. It's weird enough I'm most likely drooling over her." He said again making me roll my eyes.

"Then stop drooling and man up. This is your chance, Sam." I spoke and he let out a sigh, seeming lost in his thoughts. "Alright.."

754 words

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