Chapter 5

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Colby's P.O.V

  The next day was better than I expected. Despite the aching feeling in my chest as I watch Sam talk to Katrina, everything was fine. I pushed the feeling away and smiled lightly. If Sam's happy then so am I.

I watched as he talked to the blue-headed girl, a smile curled into his lips as he asks her out on a date. If only that was me. I shut my locker right in time as Sam walked over to me, a huge grin evident on his face.

"She turned you down?" I joked and he stared at me bluntly. I laughed making him chuckle and jump up a little; the halls were now, thankfully, empty. "Bro I cant wait!" He grinned and clapped his hands once. Friend zoned.

I put up a halfhearted smile and began walking off with him. "I'm happy for you Sam. I just hope she's good for you." I spoke softly and he nodded in thought. "I hope so." He whispered and sent me a smile of assurance.

We soon got separated, seeming as we had different classes, and headed in our specific directions. Oh how I wish I could tell him..


I sat at the cafeteria's lunch table alone, awaiting Samuel to arrive. I grabbed my plastic fork and dip it in the pasta salad, when it snapped. "Not again." I mumbled and took out the broken pieces, placing them on the side.

"Here you go." A voice chuckled and I looked up spotting the one and only. I laughed lightly and grabbed the fork from him; he knows me so well. "Sorry I was late, got held back by teachers." Sam apologized and swung his legs through the bench chair, sitting down in front of me.

"So, what's new?" He wondered and watched me as I plopped the pasta bits in my mouth. "Well, nothing much really. I'm just trying to get through the day." I laughed and he hummed in agreement.

"Who isn't at this point?" He sighed then let the silence engulf us shortly..

(T i m e S k i p)
At home

I walk into the house, exhaustion overcoming my body along with the feeling of excitement to sleep. I'm almost bipolar at this point. I took off my shoes and placed down my bag, furrowing my eyebrows once I was met with the odd silence of our home; it's never this quiet.

I tilted my head in slight confusion and walked into the living room where both my parents were seated on a couch. "Hey guys." I spoke slowly as I walked in to greet them. What's going on?

"Come, sit down." My father spoke softly and I could see the upset expression both their faces hold. "What's wrong?" I questioned and sat down on the couch near them. "When you were out.." My father began, looking over at me and sighing.

"Colby something happened when you were out, and we don't think it would've ended well if you were home alone." My mother, this time, spoke as she looked at me as well. I listened carefully from how a group of five boys in masks showed up at our doorway, to my father trying to scare them off but to no avail.

Who knew what they wanted to do? If I was home alone and answered the door obliviously, they could've dragged me out of the house and beaten me senseless. They would've humiliated me and caught it all on camera. I was lucky.

By the time they explained everything, I was stunned. They said they didn't know if they were from my school but they had their intentions. And they weren't too good. "I.. I have to call Sam." I excused myself and stood up as my parents watched me in concern.

I hurried up into my room and grabbed my phone. I sat down on the bed and scrolled through my contacts until I found his name. I clicked it and put it on speaker as I laid down on my back.

To my luck, we had band camp after school. But who knows what could've happened to me if I was home..

703 words

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