Chapter 7

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Colby's P.O.V

You know when you get this gut feeling that something wrong is gonna happen? Well that's what's happening to me. I just feel like something wrong is going to happen today. Yet I can't pin point what it is.

I wave Sam goodbye as I walk out of the school, heading home. It was finally the end of the day and Sam has detention so I have to walk home alone. It's kind of weird since I always walk with him after school. Hey, there's a first time for everything.

I pulled my bag straps up so they won't slip off my shoulders and plugged in my earphones. I mean, might as well. I chose a random song and put it on shuffle play. Every song represented a mood of mine. But I didn't mind whatever I got.

I bobbed my head to the beat a little and pulled up my hood. Throughout walking, I spotted a cute couple eating ice cream out of the biscuit cones, smiling as they cherished memories together. If only that can be Sam and I.

If only I could be the one he smiles down at. If only I could be the one he wraps his arms around. If only I could be the one he takes out on cute little dates. If only I could be the one he says 'I love you' to. But that's if only.

Suddenly felling the music fade away, I was pushed to the ground and scraped as the pebbles dig into my skin painfully. I groaned and looked up. Of course. It was Chandler and the crew.

"Hello geek." He smirked as he towers over me along with the 'crew'. "What happened to wimp?" I muttered and slowly stood up. I brushed off my clothes and went to grab my phone, when a fist-full of my shirt was grabbed and I was pulled up straight.

"D'you say something, wimp?" Chandler growled and tightened his grip on me as his jaw clenched in anger. "N-No, I-I didn't." I whimpered, looking up at him in fear. "Like I said, wimp." He smirked and dropped me harshly before throwing a kick at my side.

I threw my head back in pain and clutched my stomach tightly as an agonizing groan crawled up my throat. I hid behind my hands as they kicked me continuously until I was curled up and bruised black and blue.

The four laughed and walked off leaving me on the ground and in utter pain. Feeling the world around me spin around, my vision became vague and the last thing I saw was a dark figure before I had passed out..


Meeting the dim light of day, my eyes weakly flutter open as a hand gently caressed my cheek. I looked up and smiled lightly spotting my mother. "My poor boy." She whispered out and leaned in placing a kiss on my forehead.

I closed my eyes lightly and reopened them once she pulled away. "I-I'm okay mom." I croaked out and slowly sat up. She helped me instantly and situated a pillow behind my back.

I was still in my black jeans but had my shirt stripped off. I groaned and held my head in pain once a pounding headache hit me. The running footsteps up the staircase didn't help either as Sam rushed into the room holding a small grocery bag in his hand.

"Is he okay?" He asked with worry as he ran over. "Sam, I'm not dying." I laughed lightly and looked over at him. "Yeah but- that's not the point. What happened? I was let off of detention and went to look for you and found you on the pavement." He rambled and I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down. I'm okay and don't worry about." I assured and slowly swung my feet off the bed. Mom walked out, probably heading down to continue dinner. Sam walked closer and helped me up.

I shivered lightly once his fingers came in contact with my skin, and blushed lightly. It sent sparks through me. I looked away, hoping he won't notice. He helped me towards my closet and I grabbed a large hoodie, then realizing it was Sam's.

He chuckled as I put it on; it was huge. I narrowed my eyes at him and threw on the hood. Hey, I was too lazy to change. Plus it was Sam's and it smelled amazing. The sleeves stopped at the palm of my hands and the hoodie itself stopped at my thighs.

"Boys! It's time for dinner!" My mother called from downstairs and Sam looked over at me. "Ugh my legs. I can't walk." I joked and he rolled his eyes playfully. "I'm not holding you." He laughed and I pouted..

Oh how I wish he would..

811 words

Kansas Boys || Solby ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora