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"I'm looking for my uncle's friend," I tell the couple. "I don't know his name, but if you are who I'm hoping you are, you'll be able to take me to him. My uncle wrote me a letter 7 years ago telling me that if I ever needed a place to stay, his friend would be here."

A minute ago, Henry moved from behind me to stand by his wife, who remains sitting in the rocking chair, moving back and forth inaudibly.

Now, as they both face me now, they're silent. Nina remains expressionless, and Henry shifts slightly.

So, steadfast, I continue on.

"My name is Mikaere Eriksen. My uncle's name being John Agner."

Their eyes grow wide with recognition, and Nina asks, "You're John's niece Mikaere?"

"Yeah! I've come from Washington. Is he here?"

Does this mean they're the correct two people who I was supposed to find?

Nina's face grows solemn. "John's been missing for seven years."

I take a deep breath. Even though the thought has occurred to me, I find it hard to truly grasp. Yeah, I didn't know the man very well; he was just a distant family member. However, he still gave me a chance at a hopeful new life, and not knowing where he is or what happened to him is a mystery I shall dedicate myself to solving.

"Where was he last seen?"

"By us? He stopped by to talk to me one Sunday, in 2013. It was...February, the 17th. I never got to hear what he had to say, though. By his friend? Well, you'll have to ask him. However, don't necessarily expect a reply. He doesn't exactly like to talk."

"Really? That's fantastic!" I instantly blurt out before I can think.

They both look at me oddly, and Henry asks, "What?"

"I mean...it's unfortunate that he won't talk about John. But, maybe he finally will. I just meant in general, you know-"

"Well, you might not even be able to reach him," Nina adds. "He hasn't been seen for months."

"Well," Henry starts, "that's not saying much. He just doesn't like being around most people."

I manage to not voice my instantaneous thought this time: That's terrific! 

"I suppose you're right," Nina replies.

Henry then says, almost seeming eager to leave, "I can go and let Matthias know that we need a team for tomorrow."


She nods in response to him.

Turning to me, he asks, "I assume you'll want to head out tomorrow, right?"

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