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You're joking.

Does he honestly think he's just going to get to walk away? He can't ditch me just like that! I mean, he totally can, but he totally shouldn't.

I drop my bag in the snow and run after him, "Nooopeeee!"

Standing in front of him, I hold out my hands, my palms flat.

"You're just going to ditch me like that?"

"I wasn't aware that you need babysitting."


"Do you not know how to start a fire?"

"I can," I state honestly, "But, can I have like a sleeping bag and some blankets, though, or something?"

He raises an eyebrow, "Only once you've started a fire."

Then, he side-steps me and walks in the direction of his cabin.

"You don't just start a fire. You build it," I mutter lamely, remembering what the survival books said.

He probably didn't believe my claim that I can start a fire.

Well, I'll have to show him that I can, then.

Walking back to my bag, I open it up and take out the matches, putting them in my coat pocket. Then, I glance around for some birch trees.

Birch trees make up about 10% of Alaska's forest, so I should be able to find some.

Then, I think my eyes land on one, many yards away, hidden behind an evergreen. Hopefully, it is, in fact, a birch tree. And, hopefully, some birch bark has fallen off it, since I don't feel like killing the poor tree.

You see, birch bark makes for a fantastic fire fuel. It really just gets it going. However, if you peel it off the tree, the tree will die.

I make my way over to it, finding that it's in terrible condition. It looks dead.

"Yay!" I exclaim, absolutely thrilled.

I take as much as I can carry in my arms and bring it all back to the cave.

That way, if it rains or something, I have a dry supply of it.

After I've knelt and cleared out a simple little spot near the opening of the small cave, I stand up again.

"Okay, time to find some kindling and little dead tree branches or something."

I walk out of the cave, starting to trek aimlessly around the forest.

I find nothing.

And, I know that sounds incredibly moronic, considering I'm literally in a heavily-wooded forest, but it's true! There are no little twigs for kindling and no dead fallen branches of any kind.

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