1. Hikaru Yamashita

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Thank you for reading my Book, Please note the quick following things:

Any photos used I do not own unless I draw them.....
Any Characters used I do not own....UNLESS THEY ARE MY OC's


I spend so much time and effort coming up with each oc character, as well as the plots of the stories. So please come up with your own and do not copy mine.

DO NOT POST SPOILERS IN COMMENTS! if you are re-reading this, please be considerate of new readers who have not read my stories. Do not give away spoilers and ruin the book for them!

If you have read this published elsewhere....please tell me as I only posted it here on wattpad.

Some stories do have Trigger Warnings....
Thank you for understanding.....please do enjoy!

Pink Angel~

Why Me?
Written and Published 2015

Edited 2019


Walking along the halls at school, whispers about myself hit my ears. This wasn't new however, the other students always talked about me behind my back. Ignoring their hushed tones, I place my headphones that were once hanging around my neck over my ears. Cranking up the volume of the very old iPod that rested in my jean pockets. The world around my fades into nothingness, as loud music drown the world out.

As I walked along, passing the other students. Their eyes were easily felt staring at me. Even with the loud music in my ears, I knew exactly what they were saying. Even without hearing them speak. Everywhere I go, the whispers and hushed hurtful remarks are always the same.

"What a freak!"



Pushing my hands inside the pockets of my sweater I walk in silence. Only did I stop for just a moment, my bright blue eyes landed on my reflection. My face stared back at me in the window. Bright dyed flaming red hair, the colour is vivid and the complete opposite to my blackened heart. Staring down at the ground for a moment, I suddenly pull my sweater hood up over my head. I wasn't embarrassed about my choice of dyed hair colour. The complete opposite to be honest. I did enjoy it. Though it did add to all the whispers from the other students. Walking off once more, my eyes look before me as I make my way in silence.


After leaving school, I find myself standing before my home. That is, if you can even call this shit hole a home.

Walking inside the crappy apartment building, I walk to the unit me and my mom live in. Using the key I unlock the door and slowly push it open. Once again, the door gets jammed up on nothing. Grumbling I push it a little harder until it opens just enough for my small body to squeeze through the gap.

Now inside I shut the door with a little bit of a struggle. When it finally does shut for me, I place both hands upon it. A deep sigh escapes my lips as I press my forehead to it for just a moment.

This was my life.

Turning I glanced at the small one bedroom unit we share. The place is entirely filled of boxes and moving supplies. And no, it wasn't like we just moved in. This is just how we lived. Weaving my way along the living room that barely had no floor showing, I make it to the kitchen. I was starving as I opened the fridge only to shut it moments after.

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