14. Fresh Start

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Ryuuzaki's PoV

Before leaving Hikaru's place, I finally pulled my cell phone from my book bag. Turning it on, my eyes were met instantly with missed calls, voicemails and messages all from Yumi.

Dropping my head, I knew I was terrible. Yes I wanted to end things with her, to be myself and finally be with Hikaru. But I never called her to cancel, to say something came up. No, instead I just didn't show up. She was probably dressed in a beautiful dress, hair and makeup all done waiting for me all night.

"Fuck I am scum.." I cursed under my breath, as I drove off home.

First I had to change clothes, maybe a quick shower too. Thank god it was Saturday today, and I didn't have to deal with school or anything like that.

"I should have ended this, long ago." I whisper out to myself as I pull into our driveway.

Our parent's cars gone, so that was a huge relief. Parking my car, I grab my bag and walk to the front door. Unlocking it, I walk in. About to take my shoes off, I was met with a loud scream. My heart pounded rapidly, I wasn't expecting her to be here.

"RYUUZAKI AMANO! Where the hell were you!" My eyes go to the staircase instantly, there she stood at the top of them. Yumi's eyes were glaring with anger towards me, as she stormed down the stairs. Her black hair flowed down her back, and as angry as she looked. I could tell from her red puffy eyes, she was crying.

"Yumi, w-what are you doing here?" I winced at my own words, that was stupid to say. I knew exactly why she was here, we both did.

"Waiting for you, you big jerk! You never picked me up! Your parents told me you never came home after school, they thought you were with me!" She sounded on the verge of tears again. "They let me wait for you, in your bedroom." Suddenly her hand smacks my chest hard. "Where the hell were you Ryuu!"

"I, u-uhh." As much as I wanted too, no words could come to my mind. So there I was, just standing there like some moron as she yelled at me.

"I have almost had enough of this Ryuu!" Her voice cries out in anger, yet pain and sadness were clearly evident. "You ignore me all the time now, you forgot about our one year anniversary."

"I didn't forget, I just uhh, never showed." I mumbled, making myself feel worse about all of this.

"Tell me the truth, were you with another girl?" She yelled out.

"No, not exactly. But, I was with another." Sighing I dropped my school bag finally to the floor. "Look Yumi. Deep down, I think we both knew this day was coming."

"Don't you dare say it!" Suddenly her hand that hit my chest, slapped my face. I stood there silent. I was raised to never hit a girl, so I just stood there taking this. My cheek already red and stinging. She hit me hard, really hard. "If anyone is breaking up with someone, than I am dumping you Ryuuzaki Amano!" She slapped me hard once again, across the same red cheek.

"Fine, then we are agreed." I spoke deeply. "We are over."

"I HATE YOU!" She screams out in pain as she storms passed me and out the door.

I didn't say anything, I just stood there silently. My hand slowly raised to touch my stinging cheek. For a girl I thought I used to be very attracted to. Right now, I felt nothing. Absolutely nothing for her. Only feeling pain, for leading her on for so long.

Standing there in silence, I kicked off my shoes finally only to hear a cheery voice squeal out in excitement. "Finally!" My head raises, as I watch Akira come skipping down the stairs towards me.

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