5. Classes Begin

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Sitting in the back of the classroom, my mind drifts off. I barely can focus on what the teacher is saying. After I left that jock and, who was most likely his bitchy girlfriend. Eventually I found my first class of the day.

When I first got to the class, the teacher asked me to stand before everyone and to introduce myself.

Naturally, that did not play out well. Instead, I shoved my hands into my pockets as always. Then I walked to the empty desk, I spotted in the back row. Besides, no one needs to learn anything about myself. There are way more important things, than learning my life story. Plus I do not believe my mom, not one bit. She promises we won't move until I graduate my senior year. Though I am expecting in a month or two, to once again transfer schools. So really, why should I even attempt to make friends? It is all just pointless.

Ignoring the teachers lesson. A soft sigh escapes my lips, as I doodle random drawings and designs over my notebook. Glancing to the clock I groaned out. It was about to be lunch time. However after that, there was about four hours left of the day to go.

When the end of period bell finally rang. Grabbing my books and belongings, I found my way once more back to my locker. Dropping off my school books, I then grab my lunch. 

There was zero chance, of me even stepping foot inside of the cafeteria. It would be way too loud for my liking, not to mention it would just give reason to be stared at. So instead I headed out back. I left the school building and eyed the green fields.

Pulling my headphones on, I then covered my hair with my hood once again. Listening to the music, I made my way along the field. Nearing the edge of it, I notice not as any students here. My eyes instantly went to a tree, as my feet automatically led my form over to it. There I sat down and leaned my back up against the trunk of it.

My blue eyes looked upwards at the clear blue sky. Removing my headphones, I glance around and see some students laughing together. Some walking around the field. Others sitting in places, while others played some games. The sun shone down brightly today, making it feel like it was a hot summer day. Though I only pull my sweater even tighter around my form, as my eyes close faintly.

"Ryuu, pass!" My eyes snapped open, the moment I heard a voice call out.

"Nice one Ryuu!"

Glancing to the soccer field, I saw him. That jock, also known as my stupid school mentor. There he was playing a game of soccer, with a group of his friends. They were most likely all jocks, probably all on his team too.

"Toshi, heads up!" Ryuuzaki's deep voice called out. He kicked the round ball, to his friend perfectly.

It wasn't like I planned to come out here and stalk him. That was far from my intentions. If I knew he was out here, I probably would have ate elsewhere.

However, here I sat. Silently my blue eyes followed the tall brunettes moves. The sun made his hair shine. Even from where I was sitting, you could see the sun glowing off his tanned sweaty body. He was obviously over heating, as he has unbuttoned his shirt partway. This showed off his perfectly toned and muscular chest. His movements were all so, perfect and precise. The smile danced on his lips, as I leaned my head back and groaned.

"Damn it." My voice sounded deflated as I whispered to myself. My gaze once more locking onto his form again, I found it almost impossible to look away.

I was unaware, how long I was eyeing him for. Though I watched as one of his friends nudged him in the ribs. Then proceeded to nod in my direction. My heart pounded as Ryuuzaki suddenly turned his head, and our eyes locked together.

"Shit." I cursed out as I quickly diverted my eyes, downwards at the grass I sat on.

"Guys, I will catch up with you later." Hearing his words, I glanced up slowly. He waved to his friends and then ran over towards me.

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