15. In The Shadows

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Damn it, when the hell did I turn into one of those guys.

Sighing I ran my hand through my hair, I watched the dyed red bangs fall across my eyes. My mind was screaming at myself, as I glanced towards the soccer field.

"This is fucking embarrassing." Cursing out underneath my breath. I don't play sports, I don't honestly give a damn fuck about sports. Yet, here I was.

My eyes followed as Ryuuzaki ran through the players on the field, he weaved among them with no trouble. His brown hair flew around his face, as he ran and made his moves. This was my first time seeing him in an actual game, my first time seeing him look so confident. Unable to deny the truth, it was a major turn on. Though how did he manage to convince me to come watch his damn game?

Oh, that was right. He asked his question, then he kissed me passionately just moments after. His bloody kiss left me so breathless, that I found myself agreeing to come watch him.

"This is what girlfriends do." Grumbling I sighed. "Is that how he sees me?" I hated to even think that, he did ask me to be his boyfriend after all. My gaze flickered to the sidelines, my eyes landing on the cheerleaders then onto her. I glared at her as she did her slutty moves. Ryuu is the dominant male of the two of us, that was clear to see. Even just one glance at us, you would know that is the truth.

Hearing all the girls screaming Ryuuzaki's name, really started to piss me off. Him being so popular, really was his only flaw to me. Every girl in the school knows him and Yumi broke up yesterday. It makes me sick, how they all think they have a chance to date him. Even before the game, I caught him surrounded by a group of slutty girls. Each one trying to win his attention. 

Than there was myself.

His boyfriend, who he wishes to keep one big secret. I hoped he wouldn't want to keep me secret for too long. I never once hid the fact I was gay since being a younger child. So to hold back now for him? Then again to me, he was worth it.

Shoving my hands in my pockets I stood in the shadows. Like hell I would sit in the stands, hell no. Being the type not into huge crowds like this, I stood on my feet at the base of the bleachers leaning against them. Though I really wanted to leave, I just walked to walk away from all this shit. But if Ryuu saw me leave, he would be hurt. When his gaze first caught mine, before the game started. He grinned like a dumb fool, it made my heart race. He pushed himself almost harder it seemed knowing I was here, was he wanting to show off for me? Impress me? Either way, my heart raced watching him.

"Are you Hikaru?" Suddenly a voice spoke out to me, I spun around in shock to be found out. Watching some bratty kid run over to me, I was only very confused. "Oh you are, aren't you!" She clasped her hands together in excitement. Her blonde hair fall around her chin, as her bright green eyes look at me.

"Leave me the hell alone." Muttering, my eyes and attention go back to the game.

"Ryuuzaki is a talented player isn't he. He already has so many college offers for soccer scholarships. Every college wants him." My eyes grow wide as I looked to the brat once more. "You are cheering for him right?" She smiled as she watched Ryuu running.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked a little more annoyed than I meant to. She didn't look like she was going to leave any time yet.

Then she giggled. Oh god it was the worst sound I have ever heard, it made me legit cringe. "Oh, sorry about that. I'm Akira." She gave me another sickeningly sweet smile.

Why did that name sound so familiar? My eyes then looked at her wide. "Wait, are you Ryuu's younger sister?" looking to her, I noticed she was the same height as me, this really pissed me off. This meant, she would grow to be taller than me.

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