20. I Love You

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Ryuuzaki's PoV

Pulling my car into the driveway, I take a deep steadying breaths. My parents weren't the only reason why I didn't want to bring him here.

"Whoa, wait seriously?" He gasped out as he stared out the passenger window. "You live here? I mean I knew your family had money, but this? Damn."

"Uhh, yah." Hikaru's reaction really made me feel bad. The place him and his mom live is a run down place. But to them it is a mansion and they couldn't be happier. Then there was my place, it was huge and massive. It showed off a high class status definitely.

Climbing out of the car, he was still in awe at the place before him. "Seriously though, this place is huge! You could probably fit like twenty of my own house here."

At least his mind was on something different now. That made me happy.

"Honestly, its stupid really. I don't understand why we need so much space. Not like my parents are home much to enjoy it."

"Can I ask, what do your parents do for a living? I mean they must work crazy luxurious jobs to afford a place like this. Sorry if that was too personal" He quickly added in worry of upsetting me.

Taking his hand I chuckled and lead him to the front door, pulling my keys out I unlock it. "Nothing is too personal to tell you Hika. They work at this crazy law firm, well technically they own it. They want me to go to law school after I graduate, to start my transition to take over the company name."

Guiding Hika inside, we took off our shoes and neatly placed them to the side. Holding his hand I started to show him around the main floor of the house.

"Is that what you want though?" His voice was soft and caring.

"You can't see me doing that, can you." looking to him I chuckled softly as we walked around the living room.

Hika stopped to stare at all the family portraits. Ones from when I was a kid, then to ones Akira were in. He stared hard at them, shaking his head.

"I'm sure if you put your heart into it, you could achieve that. Though I don't think you want that." Watching him carefully, he picked up a photo of myself. I was in a suit, a somewhat straight smile on my face. "What was this photo from?"

"Hmm?" Walking over to him I stare at the photo. "Ah, that was last Christmas. We held this huge Christmas party here. It wasn't more a party, but more a way for my parents to groom me and push me into their world. Yumi was my date that evening."

"You look handsome in a suit, though you don't look like yourself." He mumbled as he set the photo back down. His eyes then went to another photo, it was of me and Akira on her birthday. She was smiling madly as I was too. "Now this one, this one is you. Relaxed, smiling, truly happy."

My heart pounded at his next words.

He glanced around confused. "Why are there no photos of you playing soccer?" He turned to stare at me, "Your bratty sister said you had many colleges after you for soccer scholarships. You are the star player, not to mention the captain. Isn't that something your parents should be proud of and want to show off?"

"That isn't the life my parents planned out for me. They think it is a waste of time." Mumbling I sighed. "I love soccer, I would love to try and get onto a pro team one day. Though it won't happen, I don't get to make choices in my life Hika. My parents aren't as welcoming to change, unlike your mom."

He stared at me before speaking my thoughts. "Let me guess, from what you are saying you make it sound like some stereotypical movie. Rich family, so naturally you need to marry into a rich family of equal or greater high class status." He looked around the photos on the walls and standing on shelves. "Once graduation is done, you were to marry Yumi then go off to law school to learn your parents business."

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