36. New Life?

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Since the day I met Ryuuzaki Amano, My life has changed so much. Thankfully it has all been for the better.

Standing in the bathroom, I had a towel around my body as I just finished showering. My eyes stare at my pathetic reflection before me. Yesterday was one of the best days I have ever had. I never was one for double dates, but I actually enjoyed it greatly. Not to mention how me and Ryuu ended the night. After we made love in his car, we cuddled together in a blanket on the hood of his car stargazing together.

Memories from last night played in my mind, as I smiled happily. "What is wrong with me?" Muttering under my breath I grab my hair brush and run it through my hair. "Who the hell am I becoming?"

Yet I wasn't upset I was changing slowly, it just stunned myself was all.

"Hika baby, hurry up. You will be late otherwise!" My mother's voice called to me through the closed door as I sighed.

"Fuck." Muttering I quickly leave the bathroom still only in the towel. Entering my bedroom to dress, I feel strong arms wrap around my tiny body.

"Must you come in here like this?" Ryuuzaki's hot breath hit my ear and I shivered. "You are killing me here you know." He let me go and walked over to flop backwards onto our bed.

Grinning I walk to the bed giving off a look. "Well then take me.."

Ryuu propped his head up onto his hand, "As much as I would love to do that." His eyes clearly travel up and down my body. "You will not use me to get you out of group therapy." Damn that sexy knowing grin that appeared on his lips.


"Nice attempt though Hika." He glanced at me once more, "But seriously. Clothes on now, you are way too fucking hot in just a towel."

"Hardly." Muttering I walk to the closet we now share as I grab some black clothes, as I toss them to the bed.


"Sure you don't want a ride home after?" Glancing to Ryuu I give him a nod as he sits in the driver's seat of his car.

"Yah, I want to walk home after." Sitting in the car I stare at the building. "I hate coming here."

"Hika, it is supposed to help."

"How does talking about my painful past, supposed to help me? It just brings back memories I want to forever forget." Sighing I sit there as I glance to my boyfriend.

"Try to open up in there, for me. Just try."

"Damn it Ryuu!" Snapping at him I slam my head backwards into the seat. "You can't just say things like that, cause now I have to..." Grumbling I didn't notice the smile on his lips. "Fine, for you I will try today and open up." I have been wanting to do something special for Ryuu for awhile now. I just had no clue what, perhaps this could be it. "Would that make you happy?" I find my eyes once more locked with his.

"Very much so." He spoke gently.

"Fine then." About to get out of the car. Ryuu quickly grabbed my arm as I looked at him.

"I love you." He pulled me into a quick kiss and smiled at me. "Tonight for dinner, can I take you out again on a date?"

"A date?" Whispering I feel my heart race, as my cheeks heat up in a blush.

"I want to treat you out for dinner again. So can I?"

"Mm ok." Smiling he kissed my blushing cheek softly. "Meet you at home Ryuu." Giving him a shy smile, I climb out of the car and hurry inside the building.

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