40. Why Me?

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Standing there frozen, I glance behind me as I stare at the huge white building. I still couldn't believe it. "Did that really just happen?" Gazing down at the folder in my hands. Opening the folder carefully, I stare at the typed up papers. Closing the folder shut, I quickly turned and started to run towards the bus stop. I had to get home. I had to tell Ryuuzaki.

Once on the bus I couldn't contain my excitement. Pulling out my cell phone I got a couple years back, I instantly texted my boyfriend.

-Hey are you home?-

I smiled instantly, seeing him replying right away to me.

-Just leaving the campus now Hika.-

Grinning to myself I sat on my seat staring at the phone in my hands. Before reading his reply and sending my own text back to him.

-Ok, I got amazing news. Will be home soon to tell you!-

-See you soon Hika.-

After reading his last reply, I put my phone away into my pocket. My heart was racing, and I was struggling to try and calm it. This was the greatest thing to ever happen to me in my life, well besides meeting Ryuuzaki Amano.

Finally when the bus pulled up at my stop. I rushed off it quickly, holding my folder of papers safely to my chest. Before I started to once more run down the sidewalk, the remaining block home.

Getting to the apartment, I pulled out my key entering the main doorway. I quickly then found myself running up the three flights of stairs to get to mine and Ryuu's unit. Unlocking our door I enter closing it behind me. I was panting from all my running, as I tried to catch my breath.

That was when I saw Ryuuzaki walk out from our bedroom smiling in my direction. "Hika."

"Ryuu!" Dropping my folder to the table, I ran to him. Seeing my movements he opened up his arms just as I jumped up at him. My legs wrapped around his body while his arms held me to his body up in the air. I had this huge smile on my face as I kissed him deeply.

"Should I take it, that the meeting went well then?" He chuckled as he walked us over to the living him. He still held me up in the air, knowing I wouldn't let go any time soon. He sat down on the couch having me in a way straddling him now.

I only roughly kiss his lips once more, before I pull away still smiling like a fool. "They loved it!" I whispered out in excitement.

"I knew they would." His hands on my body tighten. "You put your whole heart and soul into writing that book."

Hugging Ryuu rightly, tears of joy fall from my eyes. "They are going to publish it!"

"Hikaru, I am so happy for you. To think my boyfriend is now a famous author."

"Ryuu." I pull back from my hug to gaze into his brown eyes. I push back his still shaggy brown hair as I smile. "If it wasn't for you..."

"I didn't do anything Hika, you were the one who wrote it."

"No, you gave me the idea to write it. You supported me to write about my life. My troubled past, meeting you, trying to kill myself." I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my face. "I just never imagined a publishing company would ever want to publish it.."

After I got released from the hospital a couple years back. I really got back into writing poems again, as well as just my true feelings in my journals. Ryuu kept saying I was an amazing writer, and I should write a book. I remember clearly how I scoffed at the idea, asking what exactly I would even write about. He suggested a biography on my life and struggles I faced.

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