3. Ryuuzaki Amano

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Waking up in the morning, I stretch my body out on my soft cozy bed. Blinking my deep brown eyes opened, I am met with brown hair fallen before them. Pushing my shaggy hair back with my hand, I let out a deep tired yawn. How I was far, from wanting to be awake.

Knowing I couldn't push getting up, off any longer. I sat up slowly. My soft bedding falling off my bare chest, and landing down on my lap. Kicking off the remaining blankets, I let my legs move to hang off my large bed. Forcing myself to stand, my bare feet land on the plush carpet. 

Walking across my room, I enter my personal attached bathroom. Scratching my head, my feet lead me to my sink. Glancing up at my reflection, I see just how messy my shaggy dark brown hair is. It falls around my face, and slightly covers my eyes at times. Pushing my hands through my hair, I move it away from my face.

Once I was done getting myself ready in the bathroom, I walk  back into my bedroom. Making my way to my closet, I pull the door opened my eyes scan my clothes. I had a very set style that I wore, It was usually always the same. It was, well it was me.

Grabbing the dark washed blue jeans, I pull them up onto myself over my boxers. Next my hands grabbed a white button up shirt. Dressing into it, I buttoned up the buttons. However I did always leave the first couple unbuttoned, not to mention I never tuck it into my pants. But that isn't all I wear. Grabbing the more formal type vest. I pull it on over my white shirt leaving it undone and hanging on my body loosely. 

On my way out from my bedroom, I grab my sunglasses and place them on top of my head. Walking the hall of our pretty huge house, my feet lead me down the main stairway. 

Entering the huge kitchen, there I see my little sister. She is perched on a chair at the table, eating away at her bowl of cereal.

The moment she heard my soft footsteps approaching, her head looked up. "Morning Ryuu-nii." Her smile was so soft and sweet, it made it impossible not to return a smile. "Mom and dad left for work already." She spoke before taking another big bite from her bowl.

"Morning Akira." Walking past her, I made sure to stop and ruffle her short blonde hair with my hand. Knowing full well she hated this action, but hey. That is what big brothers are for.

"Hey! Ryuu-nii stop that!" She gasped out as I laughed. Her hand shot up and worked on slapping my own away from her soft hair. She huffed as she fixed her hair before watching me sitting down next to her at the table. I poured my own bowl of cereal as she spoke up softly once more. "Could you take me shopping today? After school is done?"

Blinking my gaze to her, I gave off an polite smile. "Sorry Akira, I would. But I have practice after school, how about I take you tomorrow?"

"Okay, thanks!" She smiled happily as we both ate.

Looking to the small girl, I smiled. This little girl is literally the heart and soul of my family. Before she came to us, well it was like I was walking around on eggshells. So the day my parents adopted her, changed everything for the better. Her short blonde hair falls just past her chin. She has the most beautiful soft, porcelain skin. Then there are her bright green eyes. They shine like emeralds when she smiles. Me and Akira, may not be blood related. But I would kill anyone who dared to harm my little sister.

She is younger than myself by four years, being currently thirteen years of age. Though over half the time. The way she speaks, she sounds a lot like the older one of the two of us.

"Ryuu-nii?" I at first hated her little nickname for me. But within time, it grew on me. And she is the only one allowed to call me, such a name.

"Huh?" Glancing up to her, she was gazing at me with concern in her green eyes.

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