33. Hell Continues

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Grumbling I stare blankly at Ryuuzaki. "I can not believe this."

"Come on Hika, don't be like that." He gave me a soft smile.

"You are trying to kill me, aren't you?" sighing I move my gaze to the window.

A soft amused laugh escaped his lips. "You know that is not true. Besides, it is just one date."

"One annoying double date." Mumbling under my breath I stare out at the scenery as we drive down the road. "So where the hell are we even going?" My tone was that of annoyance, yet I was slightly curious.

Turning my gaze back to my boyfriend, my eyes take in his handsome appearance. I loved his shaggy brown hair, how it fell around his face. Today he somehow looked somewhat more handsome than usual, if that was even possible. Normally he wears blue jeans, yet today Ryuuzaki wore nice casual tan pants. Paired with one of his long sleeved white button up shirts. Damn this guy really looked way too hot for his own good.

"It will be fun, trust me." He chuckled as he glanced over to me.

I look away quickly, my face blushing from being caught staring at him. "I highly doubt that." I whisper out.

"What is the blush for?" His voice asked in amusement.

"I uhh, n-nothing" Stuttering out, I keep my flushed face looking out the window as he drove.

"Come on, tell me." he urged, making me sigh.

"You look fucking sexy!" Blurting that out, my face burned yet a deeper shade of red. Glancing to Ryuu, I saw him facing ahead as he drove. Yet his own cheeks were a faint pink.

"Well, we are going on a date. I just wanted to look good for you." He whispered softly. His small blush becoming slightly more noticeable now.

"Well it worked." Muttering under my breath, I couldn't help but smile softly.

After a moment of silence, he cleared his throat. "Are you upset that our first official date, is with Toshi an Miyuki? And not just us alone?"

Sighing I shook my head, unsure if he even saw it or not. "No, I am not upset. This is just not my type of thing is all."

"I know that. I just love being able to take the person I love out, and to spoil them on dates." My eyes traveled back to my handsome guy. "I just want you to enjoy today."

"I will try. I am with you, so I will enjoy that fact at least."

"That is all I am asking for." He smiled as he turned the car blinker on, and made a turn. "We might be a bit early, I was expecting traffic to be busier than what it was."

Perking up in my seat, I stare out the window curiously. My eyes went wide as I see the parking lot he pulls his car into. "Here?"

"Hah, yah." He chuckled as he drove into a parking stall and turned his car off. "Toshi and I really could not think of a good place to go, so we thought this place would be perfect."

Staring out the window at the building, I didn't notice Ryuu getting out of the car. He walked to my door and opened it for me, this action made me blush madly. I crawled out and stared at the place. "I have never been to a place like this before."

While I gawked at the place. Ryuu glanced around and didn't see Toshi's car. "Yah, we beat them here. We agreed to meet outside, otherwise it may take all day to find them there."

Glancing to Ryuu, I watch in silence as he leans up against his car. His hand goes into his pocket, before he pulls out his cigarette pack. My heart is already racing as he places one between his lips, lighting it he slips the lighter back into his pocket. The way his lips held the burning white stick. How he puffs on the end of it, the way he blows out the smoke. God he turns me on, whenever I see him smoking. I can't help but find it hot.

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