6. Unwanted Attraction

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Somehow, with no understanding how. My entire first week at Okayama High School, passed by. It i easy to say, I stunned myself with surviving it. School to me, it was a huge waste of time. Only reason I go, is for my mom. Watching how hard she did her night schooling, to now her practical work. How could I disappoint her, and just drop out.

Though the fact I survived my first week, means shit all to me. As each new day passes, I am coming to hate this new place more and more.

It's not all bad, I mean. For the first time, in who knows how long. My mother and myself are living in an actually house. It may be small and run down, but it beats the one bedroom apartment we had before this.

As much as I find schooling pointless. The classes are easy enough to survive, well except for math.

My new classmates, and the other students at the school. Well they treat me, the same as all my other schools. That isn't new, so I am used to being treated like dirt. It hardly bothers me anymore, I have perfected blocking out the world.

So why am I hating waking up, each and every day? That answer is simple. It comes in two single little words.

Ryuuzaki Amano.

Not only is he the most popular guy in our school. He is also the star player, as well as the captain. To our schools soccer team, which i apparently a huge deal here. Every other guy, besides myself that is. Wishes they were him. Where as all the girls, want to call him theirs. It's truly sickening to watch, it really is.

With him being so popular and wanted, naturally he has the worst girlfriend possible. The head cheerleader, meaning he is dating the biggest stuck up bitch there is.

He is the type that no matter what he does, he does it flawlessly. Perfect tanned caramel like skin. How the sun shine off of hi deep brown hair...

"Damn it Hikaru! Stop thinking about him." Cursing under my breath to myself, I lean against the tree trunk. It was currently lunch period at school. So naturally, I was where I spent every lunch period. Outside under that tree, I spent my first day here.

My gaze rises for a moment, to the field. My blue gaze instantly lands on him. There he was with his friends, like always. They were talking, laughing, having a good time together. Then there was the bitch of a girlfriend. Clinging to his arm in the way she did, glaring at any girls who dared just look at her boyfriend.

Looking down at my pathetic excuse of a bagged lunch. A deep sigh escapes my lips. The truth is hard to hide now. I did my best to push those feelings away. To lock them up within me. But during this past week, I learned I cant.

He is making me hate this place, as each day passes. Why?

It's simple, I am falling for him. I am falling hard for him. This hurts however, knowing my feelings will never be returned. Why would they? Look at him, he looks perfectly happy with his current life.

Unable to take my eyes from his handsome form. My heart races in my chest, the moment he looks my way and our eyes meet. Watching him pull his arm free from his bitch. She glares at him, before huffing and walking off. It was clear he rolled his eyes, spoke to his friends then walked towards my direction.

"Fuck." The curse slips out in annoyance. 

"Hikaru." Looking to him, he sits down right beside me. He is so close to me, way to close to me.

"Ryuuzaki, what the hell do you want?" I grumbled out. My eyes do their best, to look anywhere but at him.

"You know that by now Hikaru." He chuckles out softly. It was deep, and musical to my ears. "I want the same thing I have wanted, each day this week."

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