28. Lost

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Opening my eyes, I found myself having to instantly squeeze them shut once more. The blinding brightness hurt as I took deep breaths. Why did I feel so weak though, am I sick?

This time when I opened my eyes, I make sure to do it slowly in order for them to adjust to my surroundings. However all I was met with was nothing but whiteness. Where was I? Why is it so freaking bright where I am? Realizing it was dead quiet around my with zero noise, another question came to mind. Why was it also so freaking quiet?

Blinking my eyes fully opened. They were met with a blank white ceiling. Staring at it I couldn't place it anywhere from my memory, I have never seen this ceiling before. Completely confused I had no idea where I was. To think back on it, what do I even remember last?

I can't recall anything at the moment. Nothing was coming to my mind.

Trying to sit up, was a failed attempt. Feeling too weak to even move, once again brought on that thought. Why the hell am I so weak? Why the hell does my body feel so fucking heavy

Turning my head away from the bright white, unfamiliar ceiling. My vision was only met with white walls instead. Turning to look the other direction, it was the same thing. What the fuck was going on? Where the fuck am I?

Taking another deep breathe, I do everything to try and move my body once again. This time however, I managed to move my hand slightly. Soon my arm moved, as I lifted it up slowly. My eyes blinked in confusion as I stared at what appeared to be an IV attached to my wrist. Where the fuck was I?

Managing to gain enough strength, I found myself able to push my entire body up. Squinting my eyes from the brightness of the lights on my face, I raise one hand to help shield the light from my view.

"Blood hell." Muttering out under my breath. "Am I?" My voice trailed off, as sudden memories flashed into my mind.

Remembering a box, then there was a note. Glancing down to my hand, I remember holding something in it, what was it? Trying my best to remember, suddenly the image of the razor blade in my hand hit me hard. How I pulled the blade up my arm.

My eyes opened fully wide, as I fear the worst had happened.

Breathing heavily, my vision slowly finally comes more clear as I notice the room I was in. My body was on a hospital bed, as my arm was hooked up to machines with blood transfusion and hydration bags hooked to my IV. This was all too familiar to my mind, and it was scaring me. Panicking slowly my breathing grew unsteady. This caused the heart monitor machine I was hooked up with to start beeping loudly.

"Hika!" Hearing that soft angelic voice crying out my name pained me. My eyes squeezed shut as the nightmares take over my mind.

"No." The pain hit me hard of what I did, once again.

"Hika, baby please!" That voice, I knew that voice. "Hika listen to my voice, come home baby." It sounded like an angel, like my personal angel.

Slowly my eyes opened once more. Before me I was met with a pair of blue eyes. Her black hair fell around her soft porcelain face. Tears shimmering in her eyes. Reaching a hand up weakly, I gently touch my angel's cheek. "Mom?"

Watching more tears fall from her puffy red eyes, she hugged me to her tightly. "I was so afraid I would never hear your voice again." He whisper was soft and quiet.

All my memories hit me hard at her words. "I b-broke my promise." The whisper came out weak and shaky. "Mom, I am sorry!"

"Shh baby, you are awake now. That is all that matters. I have you back now." She remained holding onto me as the sound of the door was heard opening.

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