''Your a Grande?'' Part 1

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It's January 2nd 1985

It was my first day as a bodyguard at the underground speakeasy? I don't know exactly what it is but I work here now.

It's been a rough couple of months, being new to every town I step foot in. Every time I get into trouble I leave to somewhere new, I couldn't tell you how many "fresh starts" I've had it's a shame.

"I'm going to need you be in the corner of the stage, our best performer is coming up" my boss Anthony said with a smirk. "Meet her in dressing room A and make sure she's safe...maybe put in a good word for me if you know what I mean"

I cringed as he walked away. I unzipped my leather jacket, put my dark long hair in a bun and walked to what I was pretty sure was dressing room A. "Security, I'm here to...secure you?" I said as I knocked on the door.

As you can tell I'm really not a people person, I'm awkward and shy and just overall bad at speaking. That's why when I moved to Jupiter Florida I got a job that I thought wouldn't have a lot of speaking. But that's not even how it went.

"Well hello" said our best performer as she opened the door. She was small and petite and overall very very beautiful. This was my first time meeting her and just looking at her I noticed everything. I was much taller than her and looking right into her dark brown eyes. She has dimples just like me and full lips. How could someone ever be this gorgeous. "Are you going to "Secure" me today or not" she said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me in.

"Uh yes I am actually, wherever you go I do to...it's part of the rule- I know" she cut me off. She walked in front of her mirror and applied some powder to her face before turning around and staring right at me. "Let's go"

I opened the door for her and we went backstage to get her ready. I hear people have offered her a LOT of money just to get her to preform one of her songs at their bars. She's turned down stadiums and record deals. She's just badass.

I got her ready with a mic and made sure everything was plugged in before she got in her place and I opened the curtain for her. There were no lights on her yet until she was a couple seconds into singing. I watched her as she walked across stage in her heels and black shinydress. "She's beautiful ain't she"

My boss whispered in my ear randomly but I wasn't scared. I never really am. "Yes she is" I said as I stared at her.

"Now you see that!! I want that! All the things I could get, all the compliments- the sex" he said and I frowned.

"So you'd only want her for compliments and ..sex??"

"And maybe other things, I just haven't thought it out yet"

"That's no way to treat a woman, she ain't no object She's still human, treat her like one" I said before shrugging his hand off my shoulder and walking to the other corner of the stage. He followed me.

"Don't you dare pull no move like that again. Remember, you work for me! So get your act together tonight or you won't have a job to be working tomorrow" he slightly shoved me before walking away.

I put my eye back on our best performer and noticed that she was just ending her song "shit!" I mumbled to myself, how could I miss it. Once the curtains closed I walked her back into her dressing room and waited for her to get ready.

"So what's your name security?" She asked as she organized her makeup. I looked at her and cleared my throat before talking.

"Y/N. Y/N Davis. I'm Cuban.." I said and she just smiled and turned back around. "And you?"

"Ariana, Ariana Grande. I'm Italian"

"Your a Grande???? I knew there was something special about you" I got excited for a second before clearing my throat and calming down. I love music and she's a Grande, their whole family had a chain of beautifully voiced singers.

"Yes and be lucky I've even told you that. I'd get torn limb from limb if I told these folks out here  I was one. Pounce right at me, I'd like to keep myself as a town celebrity" she said and I nodded. It makes sense. "I don't like all the fame, I'd rather keep it in my pocket. Have control over my own life you know"

"I understand, but sometimes having control of your own life can make it spiral out of control. Yeah I've learned from experience. Been on my own since...damn I can't even remember. Just make sure you always put yourself first" I said as I looked at my shoes. I'm surprised I'm even talking to her.

"That's the most words I've gotten out of you all night. All you Cubans like that??" She asked.

"No I've just learned to keep to myself. It's what I'm used to" I told her. I stood up and bragged her bags and took them to her car in the back. I put them in her trunk and closed it.

"You know your very beautiful Y/N" she said and I looked down and blushed so she couldn't see me. All I was wearing were black combat boots, black pants and a black belt. My white shirt was tucked in and my jacket was old dirty leather. "Have you heard what I said?"

"Uh yes miss, thank you very much. It means a lot coming from you. I hope you have a safe night, be careful, I'll see you tomorrow night" I said giving her a little smile and walking off. How could she make me feel that way. No one does that, not even my mama.

Hey yaw so like I'm kinda back?? Idk I doubt u even missed me buttt, I hope you guys like this more modern old story that I'm making. Ik it won't get a lot of attention but I hope it's somewhat enjoyable 🤦‍♀️

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