''Im not going to hurt you'' Part 10

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The door slams behind us as me and Ariana walk in-lips on one another. Pushing her towards the kitchen i lift her onto the island counter and kiss down her neck, my hands touching up her inner thighs and already feeling how wet she was through her black lace panties. I lift her dress up to the middle of her stomach as i kiss her before pulling away. She takes her whole dress off and looks at me for a second before our lips connect again. Grabbing by her neck i push her body back to lay on the island, kissing on her stomach and making my way to her panties. I rip them off quickly and she jumps in surprise. Stopping for a second i go to reach over her head for my bag and she flinches. Hard.

She peeks open her tightly shut eyes and sees me staring down at her in confusion. ''woah-'' is all i can say as i pull my arm back towards me and she puts her hands up and flinches again. ''Ari what the fuck'' i try not to say loudly but i still felt her jump. Pulling her up my her hand i grab her head and wait for her to open her eyes. ''im not going to hurt you'' i rub her cheek and say. I can see her eyes start to water before her hands go to cover her face. She leans her head into my shoulder and i wrap my arms around her half naked body and pull her closer to me.

Somebody did something to her and it pisses me off that anybody would do such a thing to this beautiful sweet woman. Shes gone through so much trauma. I took off my black button up shirt and put it on her. Buttoning the shirt from top to bottom i put my finger on her chin and lift her head up-seeing how red her eyes were and how her lips quivered in fear.

''Baby'' i whisper in her ear and she wraps her arms around my neck. ''I would never hurt you, and i would never ever lay a finger on you'' i explained, feeling her breath hitch and her breathing get slower. She was falling asleep, i tried to pull away but once again she was not having it. I picked her up and laid her on the sofa, this time she actually let go of me. I put my jacket over her body before going back to the island and cleaning up all the things we had pushed off of it. Taking a deep breath i turned around and looked at her as she slept.

''im sorry'' i muttered before kissing her on her forehead. I shot my head towards the phone when it rang and i picked it up.''hello?''

''hey...its Lauren, im outside with Emi'' Not saying anything i hung up and went to open the door. As soon as i opened it Emi ran to me and hugged my legs. Giving him a smile and a kiss i looked up at Lauren and gave her a light smile.

''well im just going to go, i only came because you said you wanted him..'' she trailed off and just stared at me. I raised my eyebrows and she shook her head. ''uhm, bye'' she walked away.

''well hello handsome'' I told my son. Taking his race car backpack off of him i lead him to the other sofa. ''She sleep'' Emi stated as he pointed at Ari. ''yeah papi she is, she had a long day. She works very hard''

''that why you like her?'' he asked and i raised my eyebrows. Looking between Ari and my son. I never really wanted to introduce my son to any female in my life unless i knew it was real, but with Ari i knew it was different-i knew i wanted everything to do with her. Thats why i told her about Emi in the first place.

''i like her because shes nice, shes pretty, shes caring, and yes also because she works very hard for herself''

''you marry?'' I gulped.

''excuse me?''

''i tired'' nodding i took him to my room in Arianas house and out the tv on for him. I left the room door open and left him so he could go to sleep. I walked back to Ariana and scooped her up and took her to her room. When i was ready to walk out i heard jingle behind me and my eyes shot to the sound. Now since when did Ariana have a dog. Looking at his tag i nodded. Toulouse.I patted his butt-stopping when he winked at me. oh god.

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