"This was a joke right?" Part 16

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Arianas POV

"This was a joke right?" I asked sitting on my bed. I Looked up at Brooke and Camila who were standing in front of me. We threw the idea of a threesome out there but i wasnt serious about it, it was all for jokes but i cant tell if they took me running up the steps seriously.

"Duh stupid, i just didnt feel like cleaning anymore and your bed is really comfy" Camila threw herself next to me while Brooke shrugged and sat down on the bean bag in the corner of my room.

"Good because i wouldnt fuck you Mila, your Y/Ns sister, and Brooke" i paused and looked at her. "Maybe if i was single" i winked and she laughed.


-Y/Ns pov-

"fine then im going back to Cuba!" Lauren yelled. Since Ari kicked us both out of her house a couple days ago me and Lauren have been fighting none stop. Ive been staying at my house and so has she and now every time i see her face i wanna punch it.

"Then fucking take your ass back! but your not leaving with my son!" i yelled back and she crossed her arms. I knew we were going to start a fight again today so every time we argued id tell Emi to go to Milas room.

"Fine then im leaving! Have fun raising him by yourself." She screaming snatching her jacket off a hook on the wall and walking out the door.

I watched the door close and when it did i sighed. I never understood why my life had to revolve around so much drama but i did notice everything ive ever been through was because of Lauren. I was crazy for bringing her back her but i wanted to be with Emi. I walked from the kitchen to the phone in the living room and dialed Camila's number.

"hello?" I heard talking in the background.

"She fucking left"

"Who?" Someone laughed loudly in the background and it sounded like Brooke.

"Lauren, she's on her way back to Cuba" i answered.

"Does she have Emi??"

"No, i told her she wasnt taking him, so he's in your room"

"Y/N its not safe for him here! What if were are found?! He could be in serious danger!"

"I-I dont know. I cant even think straight right now" Another person laughed in the background ad this time it sounded like Ariana's. Damn i missed her.

"Okay, we are on our way"

"we?" i had asked but she had already hung up. I took a deep breath and called Emi out of Milas room so he wouldnt have to be locked in there any longer. "You hungry?" He nodded and so did it. "Go watch some tv, im make you something to eat"

About ten minutes of me just walking back and forth Mila came inside and behind her were Brooke and Ari. I sighed and looked down while Mila gave Emi a hug. "Now what the fuck were you thinking?"

"I want him with me! He's my son anyway, i just-" I stopped talking unable to think. Everything was going to me so fast and honestly i had no real idea how to calm myself down. It felt like my whole life was falling apart. "Que tonta" Camila yelled at me.

From the corner of my eye i could see Ari on the sofa. I wanted to just go up to her and pour my heart out but i didnt want to start anything else or get myself in a bigger hole. I kept to myself and waited for Camila to say something. 

"He has to go back Y/N, he cant be here with us its too dangerous, youve gotta go get Lauren and send both of their asses back"

"But i dont want- I dont give a fucking flying fuck! Would you rather your son be with a target on his back at all times or be safe??" I Wanted to make the right decision but i also wanted him to be with me. I thought about it for a good two minutes before answering her.

"He's staying with me, and over my dead body will i let him get hurt. Its my job to keep him safe"

"I guess your dying then" I heard a voice and my head shot to the door. I seen Lana walk in with Emmy and Mel. "I kid, whats going on here"

"yeah its like a weird secret cult meeting'' Mel said.

"Lauren left back to Cuba and left Emi and now he might be in danger here" Brooke made the long story short and went up to Melanie and gave her a kiss.

"Well fuck that we will protect him" Emmy spoke.

"Wait protect him from what?" Lana crossed her legs in the chair and looked between me and Camila. I looked at Mila and she rolled her eyes.

"Anything that could be a threat to any of us" Ariana stood up and wrapped her arms around my son. "We just need to care for him right?" She asked us and we all nodded. "Then good, problem solved"

"But what about Lauren?"


this is short but im trinna give yall something bc ik ive been gone for a lil

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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