The Stranger

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Geo walked into the board room with her lawyer where Devin was already seated with his. Her lawyer got papers from his briefcase and laid them on the mahogany wood table. "This annulment process was quite easy. Both of you were able to prove that you were under the influence during the ceremony so that makes it null and void". Her lawyer slid a piece of paper across the desk for Devin to sign as Geo signed a piece of paper that was given to her by Devin's lawyer. She could feel the mic poking into her back and she attempted to move it around.

Jeanette demanded the cameras be there to capture the moment the annulment papers were signed. She knew this would bring in a whole new wave of watchers. An 'untapped demographic' she called them. Geo asked that the cameras not be in the room during the signing but both she and Devin agreed to be mic'ed. He was hesitant to appear on camera but agreed to the compromise Geo suggested. 

He was also thinking of Geo when he agreed. The show seemed to be her livelihood and him appearing meant more ratings. His management team also thought the process would reflect positively on him. He was a man that made a mistake and was now cleaning up the mess. It showed accountability and humility. His team loved this!

"We'll go take these papers to the courthouse and get them filed but as far as you two are concerned, this marriage never happened". The lawyers left the room while Geo and Devin sat across from each other at the table.

"It's like ripping a band aid off. Quick and painless," Geo said. "Luckily we were able to get the annulment. I feel like an actual divorce would've gotten messy," he said. "You're right. I would've wiped all your accounts clean," she teased and Devin let out a hearty chuckle. "You've been a good sport about all this though. I feel like if it happened with anyone else it would've gone way different". Geo smiled at him. "I had nothing to gain from the marriage. What's yours is yours and it wouldn't have been my place to take anything you owned. And this may seem like a contradiction since I'm on a reality show, but I like being relatively private. A divorce would've drawn unnecessary attention to me".

"You ever think about quitting the show? You know, since you like to be private," he asked. Geo held her index finger up to her mouth to tell him to stop talking. She looked around the room for something to use to muffle their speaking. On a side table, she saw a tape dispenser and walked over to it. Devin watched closely as he tried to understand what was happening. She grabbed it and ripped off a few pieces of tape. She wrapped the tape pieces tightly around both of their mics to muffle the conversation that would follow.

"That's a conversation that will have me in hot water with production," she said. "Why is that?" he asked. "I've been on the show since day one. My roll has sort of become the peacemaker and Jeanette has told me that I'm essential to the cast at this point. When the reports came out about the marriage, I initially thought this was production's way of trying to drum up some controversy with me. I stay out of drama and have been on relatively good behavior since the show has started. They've tried to make it so I'll have a blowup on screen and I'm just not going to allow that. I'm thinking of leaving because what started as a wholesome show with the occasional drama is now turning into a typical reality show and I want no parts in that". 

Geo put her hand on the table as Devin smiled at her. "I don't know what anyone else's employer has said about them being on the show, but I work for the city of Mesa. They've made it very clear that if I engage in any unbecoming behavior, I'll be let go". As a worker for the public library of Mesa, Geo was now a representation for the city and she had to follow their code. When the news about Devin came out, she was sure that would bring about a stir, but instead she was only told to handle her private affairs. "I can't afford to lose my job over some dumb reality show".

"What do you do for work?" Devin asked her. "I'm a librarian here in Mesa. I got my degree in English and didn't know what to do with it. I saw the Mesa Public Library was hiring and decided to put in an application. Got the job almost immediately," she smiled. Devin was taking a liking to her openness. In the two weeks that it took them to get the annulment process started, they had talked as frequently as time would allow. He liked her character and the way she carried herself. She was confident, but not cocky, and he really admired that.

"Do you dress like a librarian?" he joked. "I'll admit that I do. Over sized sweaters are kind of underrated and have become a staple in my wardrobe," she laughed. "I also wear glasses at work to help me read the small print. But I'm like, a cool librarian," she joked. "Please don't tell me your glasses are on a chain so they hang around your neck," he said. "No!" she exclaimed. "I haven't reached that point just yet". The two of them laughed. 

There was a knock on the door and a producer popped his head in. "We aren't getting anything from your mics," he says. "Really?" Geo said playing stupid. "What's the issue?". Devin watched as she interacted with the producer. "I'm not sure but I want to wrap this up. I want to get a shot of you exiting the building and walking to your car. I'll let you guys finish but my men are getting impatient". He closed the door back and Geo rolled her eyes. "Whatever," she said waving her hand dismissively.

"Maybe I can visit you at the library sometime?" Devin said. "It's the off-season so I have nothing but time". She looked at him and thinned her lips. "No," she said sternly. "I don't like people coming where I work. It's nothing to do with you, I just enjoy not having outside forces visit me in my safe place," she said. He nodded and said, "Understood. You can always come to Paradise Valley and visit me," he suggests. Geo bit her cheek as she looked at him. "And why would I want to hang out with my ex-husband?" she teased. Devin smiled at her and licked his lips. "I would like to spend time with my ex-wife. She's a cool person. Maybe we could even be friends?".

Geo looked into his brown eyes and blinked slowly. "I think I'm okay with that arrangement," she smiled.

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