Set Yourself On Fire

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Brianna and Geo met up with Kennedy at Pilates Is Easy! to discuss what happened two days earlier. Kennedy came out from the small kitchen area and handed them protein shakes she had just blended. Geo took a sip and turned her face up. "Just drink it. It's good for you," Kennedy urged. They sat down on some chairs Kennedy had pulled out from a storage closet. 

"So please explain what happened at my Pilates and Pasta party. You guys didn't even make it to the Pilates part," she said. "We only came for the pasta," Geo joked. "I'm serious. I've never seen you exhibit such jealous behavior. It's so unlike you".

Geo shrugged. "I was jealous and I don't really know why," she told them. "Maybe you have feelings for Devin?" Brianna wondered. Geo faked laughed and then shook her head. "I don't". She took another drink of the protein shake as the taste was beginning to grow on her. "I just think getting married and then deciding to be friends so soon after the annulment has rattled my brain a bit. It doesn't really know what's going on". Kennedy and Brianna raised their eyebrows at each other. "Like, that could be it, but you looked like you were going to attack the poor girl," Kennedy said.

"You even walked over to Devin and put your hands on him like he was yours. I get that you think that there may be some confusion between the two of you, but your heart obviously isn't confused," Brianna stated. "Hypothetically speaking, even if I did like him, it wouldn't work out," she said. "And why not?" Brianna asked. "We live in different cities, we're two different people, and he doesn't like me. He was the one that established the friendship so it's clear that's all he wants to be". Kennedy cocked her jaw before drinking her protein shake. 

"Have you ever asked if he likes you?" Brianna asked. "I don't have to ask because I know he doesn't".

"Phoenix is like 30 minutes away, but asking to be friends wasn't even a thing he needed to do though," Kennedy said. "After you guys got the annulment, you could've gone your separate ways but he chose to keep you in his life for a reason".

"I think he was just being polite when he asked. I don't think either of us thought a real friendship would form after the fact," she explained. Geo put up her index finger to raise another point. "And it hasn't even been that long since the annulment so we could stop talking at any moment. Especially after what happened after your event," she said. Brianna raised her eyebrow. "What happened after the event?". Geo crossed her legs and bit her cheek. 

"After we left we went back to my place. He accused me of being jealous and I told him that wasn't true. Somehow, someway, our faces were so close that our noses touched and I lost control of myself and kissed him. We made out for a few minutes until I pushed him off because I was like 'what the fuck is happening right now'. I asked him to leave and he went home".

"Ok but like he kissed you back," Kennedy said. "That means he likes you". Geo raised her arms in frustration. "That does not mean he likes me!" she bellowed. "Yeah it does!" Kennedy and Brianna said in unison. "You guys know men don't waste the opportunity to get with someone. Him kissing me means nothing at all".

"Wait!" Brianna said before she allowed anyone else to say anything. "Have you guys ever had sex? Like the only likely time would've been in Vegas so like..." she asked. Geo shook her head. "When I woke up in bed next to him I was half-naked but I remember not having sex with him". The girls pouted at her revelation. "Disappointing. I read online that his dick is huge," Brianna said extending the word huge for emphasis.

"Ok well I will never find that out so I have no comment on the size of his penis," Geo shrugged. "Ok but you can't just like find out real quick? I'm just a little curious," she said. "Yeah I totally second that," Kennedy chimed. "Both of you guys have boyfriends so I'm not going to tell you how big another man's dick is". They rolled their eyes and groaned. "Dream killer," Brianna muttered. 

"So I'm assuming you guys haven't talked since that night?" Kennedy asked. "We have not. He's a busy guy so I'm not holding it against him and I would totally understand if the kiss made him hesitant to come around again. I think it was weird for the both of us. And it's only been two days so there's still more time for him to reach out".

Kennedy smiled warmly at her and looked at the clock. "They should be coming to film any minute now. Thanks for coming early so we could get this conversation out of the way. I would hate for this to make it to air," Kennedy said. "Oh I can just imagine what kind of edit it would get," Brianna said. "Definitely something like I realized I actually was in love with him and now I'm going to try and get him back," Geo scoffed. The three of them laughed and drank more of the protein shakes. "It's good isn't it?" Kennedy asked Geo. "The taste has grown on me. What exactly do these do?"

"They boost your metabolism and reduce your appetite," she smiled. Geo nodded her head as she looked at the cup. "First step protein shake, next step getting you into a Pilates class," she gleamed. "No," Geo said calmly before she drank more of the shake.

The camera crew walked in about 15 minutes later and got the girls mic'ed up. After Devin and Geo had left the Pilates and Pasta event, there was an argument between Danny and his fiancee. The current scene being filmed was the ladies filling Geo in on what happened between the two of them and how proud of the event Kennedy was. Once they were done filming, Jeanette pulled Geo to the side to talk.

"You aren't filming a lot of scenes at the moment so I just wanted to see what was going on," she said. "Not much, I've just been kind of minding my business," Geo answered. "Well minding your business is not what you're on the show to do. I know your role is the peacemaker but in order to be that, you need to film with everyone and know what's going on". Geo just looked at Jeanette and nodded. "And then you left Kennedy's event early for seemingly no reason at all. We need something from you! Must I remind you that you're contractually obligated to film?" Jeanette stressed. 

Geo was becoming annoyed with this process and was ready to tell them she won't sign a contract for next season but she played it cool. "I wanted to do this process by myself but you can film me while I go look for an animal to adopt," she suggests. "You'll have to take someone with you. How about Danny?" she asked.

Geo sighed internally and shrugged. "Danny's fine". Jeanette smiled. "Great! You just let us know when you plan on going and we'll send the crew". Geo nodded and started to walk off. "Geo, before you go," she heard Jeanette ask and she turned around. "Would it be at all possible to get Devin for another scene?". Geo pursed her lips. 

She didn't want to pressure him to be in another scene given what transpired the last time. She was lucky the cameras didn't catch her reaction and didn't want to take that risk again. And given what happened two days ago, she was unsure of how it impacted their friendship so she figured it would be best to just stretch the truth.

"I don't think so. We aren't talking".

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