Lights Changing Colour

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The girls stood outside the bowling alley getting mic'ed while the cameras were inside setting up for the scene. "You can talk about what you want but make sure one of you brings up the annulment like we asked," Jeanette said to them. "And exactly how long are we going to milk this?" Geo asked in an annoyed tone. "For as long as we can stretch it out". Jeanette walked off to take a call and the three women just looked at each other. "Can you lift your arm?" the sound woman said to Kennedy. She rolled her eyes as she complied with the request. "You guys are all set," she said as Kennedy dropped her arms. "Is anyone else getting tired of this shit?" Kennedy groaned. "Oh definitely," Brianna said.

The cameras began to roll and the girls walked into the bowling alley. All expenses had been paid for by the network so they were bowling for free. Once again, reality TV has its perks. Along with bowling for free, the bowling alley got free advertisement so being here worked for everyone involved. The girls got settled into their lane as other bowlers looked over, some recognizing the women, other wondering how they could get on camera.

"I'm actually like, super hungry," Geo said as she tied her shoes. "I think this place has decent mozzarella sticks if you're into that," Kennedy said. "Oh I'll keep that in mind," Geo said. Brianna sat in front of the screen and started inputting their names so they could get started. "Would you like bumpers?" Brianna asked Kennedy who they all knew was horrible at bowling. "Bumpers are for babies," she laughed. "Well you're first up," Brianna said. Kennedy got out of her seat and grabbed a ball. "Let's try to not go into the gutter!" Geo cheered playfully.

Kennedy stuck her tongue out at the girls' light teasing and then rolled the ball down the lane. It knocked over three pins and they clapped for her. "You must've been practicing without us," Brianna said. "Virtual bowling seems to have helped," Kennedy boasted as she sat back down. 

Interactions like this were fairly customary for the girls. There's the fun activity followed by conversation about a member's story line or gossip happening between the group. Much to her dismay, Geo's stint in Vegas was the topic of the day. So production instructed Kennedy and Brianna to have a little fun with Geo to get her to open up about what really happened. She had been too closed off about the situation and production knew if they wanted to bring in the 'untapped demographic' they needed her to be an open book about Devin.

When they were done with bowling and production was satisfied with what had been shot, the girls sat at a table in the dining area to eat. Geo was eating the mozzarella sticks and was pleasantly surprised at how well they tasted for bowling alley food that likely came from a box in the freezer. 

"I think we can all agree that Kennedy's game has improved dramatically," Geo pointed out. Kennedy dusted off her shoulders and smiled at the girls cockily. "Yeah she's alright," Brianna teased. "But Geo," Brianna said, "What's going on with you and Devin?". Geo dipped a mozzarella stick in the marinara and stirred it around. "We got the annulment yesterday and we released a joint statement this morning about what happened and why we chose to get it annulled. It's over now".

Kennedy nodded as she dipped her carrot in the cup of ranch dressing on her plate. "But what even happened that night? Can you guys like piece it together for me?" she asked. Geo knew that they were only asking at the urging of production. She was reluctant to talk about the situation because even she was unsure of why it happened. It could only be chalked up to a drunken mistake. Geo also knew that the longer she withheld information, the more her cast mates would be forced by production to hound her. She knew her only option was to be forthcoming with all the information she had.

"So we went to Vegas to do the interviews for the show but after that was done, I was super bored in my hotel room so I suggested to Brianna that we go down to the bar". Brianna picked up where Geo left off. "So we go down and this guy introduced himself as Devin while we're sitting at the bar and talking. He chats us up and invites us to go clubbing with him and his friends so we go with them," Brianna explained. "It was a fun night filled with lots of alcohol and I only remember bits and pieces of it. Devin and I left the club, got a marriage license, and got hitched! It's really that simple. We were both so drunk we just had no recollection of it happening," Geo finished.

Kennedy nodded at the explanation. "Do you guys still talk? I mean, I know it just ended but is it like a 'we don't know each other so we don't have to keep talking' kind of thing?" she asked. "We do. The conversations are a bit brief but we're maintaining some contact". Brianna and Kennedy nodded and continued to eat their food hoping that her answer would be the end to all of this.


Geo let Devin into her apartment and he hugged her before sitting down on the couch. "Should we start with the TV or articles first?" Devin asked as he grabbed the remote. "I think the TV first," Geo said as she walked into the kitchen. "Do you want something to eat?" she asked as she pulled a container from a plastic bag. "Nah I'm good," he said as he turned to E! News. "That's too bad," Geo said as she dropped the container into his lap. "I got you an order of mozzarella sticks from the bowling alley". He opened the container. "The marinara kinda spilled from you dropping it," he said. 

"That sounds like a you problem," she said as she sat down and took the remote from him. They watched the coverage as it was the talk of the night on all the entertainment news programs.

"Devin Booker and Geo Chamberlain released a joint statement regarding their annulment. The events that took place in Las Vegas were a mistake and we have taken the appropriate action to rectify it. We were heavily intoxicated and simply made a drunken mistake. As public figures we acknowledge the impact of our actions and how this may reflect on us. We've maintained a friendly relationship as these are odd circumstances we've put ourselves in and we'll look back on the situation lightheartedly".

Devin sat on the couch and ate the mozzarella sticks. "These are actually really good," he said as he took a stick and wiped some marinara up from the lid. "That's why I got them. I figured you might like 'em". She pulled out her phone and went to see what was trending on Twitter. 

"We're trending," she said. "I really didn't think what we did was that big of a deal," Devin added. "I didn't either. Celebrity gossip must be boring these days if people are latching on to this story". She scrolled though their trending tag to see what was being discussed. People were giving opinions, linking articles, and sharing memes about the situation. When Geo found something funny, she would show it to Devin who would laugh with her.

To them, the situation was beyond hilarious. Two strangers get blackout drunk and get married in Las Vegas. It read like a bad Ashton Kutcher movie that they felt like they had seen before.

Devin had been at Geo's place for a little over two hours now. The two of them just watched coverage of their story the whole time while chatting each other up in between laughing at the commentary being made. "I'm going to go change into my pajamas. I'll be right back," Geo said to him. She walked into her room and swung the door thinking it had closed when it only cracked as she found a pair of sleepwear to change into. 

Devin sat the now empty container on the coffee table and stood up to go to the bathroom. As he walked past Geo's room, he caught a glimpse of her half naked body through the slightly ajar door. He stopped in his tracks and watched her as she got ready. She bent over to pick up something from the floor and his mouth dropped to the floor. 

Her perfectly round ass and the way her blue lace panties fit on her was quite the sight to see. She stood upright and Devin debated whether or not he should take advantage of the moment. He knew he had established a friendship only kind of relationship with Geo, but in this moment he wanted to break it. He wanted to see her naked body under his. Her fingernails scraping into his back leaving red track marks behind. He wanted her in this moment, but knew he couldn't have her. He collected his thoughts and went to the bathroom.

Geo changed into her pajamas and walked back into the living room where she saw the empty container sitting on the coffee table. As she loaded the dishwasher for the night, Devin walked back out. "I'm thinking of heading out," he said. Geo turned around and nodded. "That's fine, it's getting a bit late". She walked him to the door and he hugged her goodbye.

As Devin drove home to Paradise Valley, thoughts of Geo swirled in his mind. The way she walked, the way she spoke, the way she handled herself. He was sprung. As he pulled into his driveway, he wondered if getting the annulment was the right thing to do.

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