Midnight Coward

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The group, minus Joseph who was on vacation in Tahiti, sat outside the restaurant as they were getting mic'ed. "So what kind of food does this place serve?" Geo asked. "New American," Peter said. "Whatever the fuck that means," Danny cracks.

Devin Booker
What time should I come?

I'll let you know when we're done here

Devin Booker
I'll just break into your apartment and wait for you 🙃

Geo laughed at the message and Kennedy peaked over. "Who are you texting?" she inquired. Geo locked her phone and dropped it in her purse. "No one important". It was a few more minutes before everyone was set and they walked into the restaurant and sat down at the table reserved for them. "It's weird that we're kind of away from the rest of the tables," Kennedy said as she browsed the menu. "Yeah it's a little strange. Maybe because of the cameras?" Brianna wondered. "That's probably it," Danny said.

The cameras began to roll and they kept talking. "What are you guys getting?" Peter asked. "I think we should get focaccia for the table," Kennedy said. "Oh that sounds yummy," Geo said. "Add the ricotta pillows to that as well," Brianna said. The waiter came over and took their orders and they talked while they waited for their food to come. "So since we're all here, I wanted to invite you guys to my Pilates and Pasta night at the studio," Kennedy said. "We're not all here. Joseph is away," Danny said. "Everyone that matters to me is here," she sneered. Danny nearly spit out his drink at her admission. It was no secret among the group they didn't like Joseph but it was bold of Kennedy to admit that on camera.

"My decision to come will be based on the kind of pasta that's served," Geo said. "I'm getting it catered from Olive Garden," she responded. "Ok I guess I can come". Kennedy took a sip of the wine that was poured into their glasses. "You were coming whether you wanted to or not," she sneered. "And you can bring Devin," Peter chimed in. Geo almost choked on the water she was sipping on. "I'm sorry what?" she coughed. "You can bring Devin," Peter repeated. "I'm sure we'd all like to meet the guy you married and then divorced," he said. "That's a great idea!" Kennedy exclaimed.

"Are you guys just going to keep reminding me that this happened?" she criticized. "In case you ever forget," Danny said. The food came to the table and they wasted no time digging right in. As most of them were finishing up their meals, Jeanette looked at the person walking towards the table. 

"Hi guys," a woman's voice said. The group looked at Josie who was standing with her hand on her hip. Josie had medium length brown hair and crystal blue eyes. Her features were soft and feminine and her body was perfectly toned. "No!" Kennedy exclaimed as she stood out of her chair. "Did you know she was coming?" Danny asked Peter. The scene had quickly turned tense and there was no way it was going to settle back down.

"I did not invite her so no," Peter answered. "Mind if I join?" Josie asked. "Yeah we fucking mind!" Brianna said. "Josie I think it's just best if you go," Peter said as he stood up and faced her. "I came to make amends," Josie said. "Ok but clearly no one wants you here," Geo said as she stood up as well. "I feel like you guys are having a bit of an overreaction to me being here," she said. "An overreaction!?" Kennedy yelled causing some patrons to look over at the scene. "You know what? I've been waiting to do this". Kennedy picked up her glass of red wine and threw it in Josie's face. "You bitch!" Josie said as she lunged for Kennedy.

Brianna and Geo held Kennedy back as Peter rushed to control Josie. "Just go," Peter said to her. "You classless whore! How dare you throw wine at me!" she yelled as Peter pulled her towards the door. Brianna and Geo were able to calm Kennedy down and Danny walked outside to help Peter. "I do not like her!" Kennedy raged as they sat her down at the table. "None of us do," Brianna said as she calmed Kennedy. A few of the producers walked outside to see what was going on as a cameraman came to get a closer look at Kennedy, who was now irate. "Cut the fucking camera off," Geo told him. The cameraman looked and kept filming. "Turn it off!" she and Brianna yelled in unison. The cameraman reluctantly turned his camera off and Jeanette walked over. 

"You don't tell them to stop filming!" she barked. "Who the fuck let that bitch in here?" Kennedy said angrily. "She was invited," Jeanette said calmly. "By who?" she asked. "It's not important". Kennedy looked at Jeanette with anger in her eyes just as Peter and Danny walked back in. "It's not important?" Kennedy questioned. "No one fucking likes her! We don't want her around!" she yelled at Jeanette. "If this is the kind of shit you guys are going to pull, I'm done," Peter announced. The group agreed with him. 

After a back and forth with Jeanette, they couldn't come to an agreement on Josie. The cast members left the restaurant feeling proud, but exhausted.

When Geo got home, she saw Devin's car parked in the lot. He got out of the car when he saw her. "Geo," he said as he followed behind her. She opened the door to her apartment and Devin walked in behind her. She plopped down on the couch and Devin sat next to her with space in between them. "They had Josie ambush us at dinner tonight," she said. "Who's Josie?" he asked. "Former cast member and Peter's cousin. She's a raging bitch and we all hate her". Devin looked at the blank look on her face. "Did she say something to you or...?" he inquired.

"In the first season of the show, she was talking about me behind my back. Yeah so what, I can deal with that. The problem came when one of her friends came to me and told me what she said. I'm not a confrontational person but I decided to ask her why she was doing that. She got really argumentative and said some very uncalled for statements regarding my weight. There was no need for that. She could've just owned up to it but no, she decided to insult me because I wanted to know the truth. I didn't really consider her a friend but she really showed how nasty of a person she could be to anyone for any reason. It was just uncalled for. What she did to Kennedy was far worse but she's left a sour taste in everyone's mouth and no one wants anything to do with her".

Devin rubbed her shoulder and she looked at him. "Like I get it, I'm not in shape but I'm not huge either. I guess because I don't hate myself for not being a size 2, she figured she would put me in my place". Devin looked at the pudge of her stomach and the fullness of her hips and thighs. Her soft body wasn't what he was usually attracted to, but on her it was utterly irresistible. "Since Jeanette is adamant that we film with her, we all quit". Devin's eyes widened at this admission. "So what does that mean for the show?" he asked. "I don't know and I don't really care. The shit they pulled tonight was beyond foul. What happens after tonight isn't my problem".

Hair fell into her face and Devin brushed it behind her ear. As his arm was raised, she grabbed his wrist and they gazed into each others eyes. Geo lowered Devin's arm into his lap and smiled. "Have you eaten?" she asked. "You feed me whenever I come over. What's the deal?" he jokes. "I just like sharing food with my friends. Let me get you a lemon bar," she said as she got off the couch.

"Oh right," Devin sighed. "Friends".

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