What Is To Be Done?

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Geo sat at home with her new dog that she adopted last week. The film crew was packing up to leave as she and Brianna had just finished filming a scene. The dog hid in Geo's bedroom as the crew made him nervous and he was still adjusting to his new environment. 

Geo and Brianna were at the dining room table getting their mics taken off and they were careful to not speak during this process. Since the two of them were so comfortable around each other, they didn't want to slip up and say something that would pique the interest of anyone in the room because then they would be questioned about it and have it potentially become a story line. Production is always listening, they would say to one another. 

A short time later, Jeanette walked up to them.

"When did you guys want to start shooting for your talking head segments?" she asked. "Umm, I can start later this week. I'll have to check my schedule but Wednesday should be fine," Brianna said. "Yeah I have a lot of things happening at the library this week so possibly next week for me," Geo said. "Noted," Jeanette said as she put the note in her reminders and walked off. The crew cleaned up after themselves and walked out of the apartment. 

"And we're done for the day," Brianna said as she got up to lock the door. "I'm so happy it's over," Geo said as she stretched in the chair. Brianna walked from the door to the refrigerator to grab herself a bottle of water.

"So what are your plans for the night?" Geo asked. "Jude and I are going to the movies and then I'm getting my back blown out once we get home," she grinned. "I don't think I needed to know all that," Geo groaned. "We need to find someone to blow yours out," Brianna quipped as she sat back down at the table. "As much as I would love that, I'm good". Brianna rolled her eyes as she opened the bottle of water. "You need a warm body in your bed at night," Brianna bemused. "I have the dog to make a warm spot in the bed," Geo joked.

"Oh you know what I fucking meant! A dog won't listen to your problems and hold you after a long day after work. If anything, that dog will be more of a bother than great company," she snapped. "Don't speak bad about my dog. He's a great addition to the house". Brianna drank some water before sitting the bottle down on the table. "You're the one who said it yourself: you want someone to love. You can love a dog and it'll love you back, but that's no replacement for the love of another human being". Geo agreed with Brianna. 

"So then let me set you up with the uncle of one of the kids I teach," she urged. "The kid doesn't have parents to take her to dance class?" Geo asked. "He has full custody of the girl". Geo's mouth dropped open. "You're trying to set me up with a guy that has a kid!?" Geo exclaimed. "It's not his kid," Brianna uttered. "It's still a kid that he's fully responsible for!". 

Brianna waved her hand to dismiss what she said. "That means he's a man that will step up when faced with responsibility. That's a man you need in your life". Geo just looked at Brianna as she kept talking. "He cares for that little girl. He has a good job, he owns a house, he drives a nice car. He has a lot of positives that I know you would like. I wouldn't try to set you up with just anyone".

Geo sat and thought about it. It had been two weeks since she heard from Devin so she just assumed the ax had been put in their friendship after the kiss. And even though she only had a friendship with Devin, she hoped a conversation about what happened would leave open the possibility of something developing between the two of them. She wasn't too sure on how she felt about him, but she was open to a discussion. But with Devin now out of the picture, there was no one for her to see as a potential romantic interest. 

"I'll go on one date with him," she said. Brianna danced in her seat as she smiled widely. "So it's set!" she exclaimed as she hit the table.

She stood up and the girls walked towards the door. "I'll tell Jeremy that you agreed to a date and I'll give him your number so you guys can talk and plan it out". Brianna smiled as she hugged Geo goodbye and walked towards her car. 

Geo sat on the couch and turned the TV on as the dog slowly walked back out. He jumped up on the couch with Geo as she flipped through the channels for something to watch. She eventually settled on an episode of The Pioneer Woman on Food Network.

After two episodes, she heard a knock on her door. She groaned as she got off the couch and answered the door. 

"Hey," Devin said. "Can I come in?" Geo moved over and he walked into her apartment. "Do you want something to eat?" she asked as she closed the door. "Sure," he said as he sat down on the couch. She made him a plate of butter chicken and basmati rice she had prepared and poured him a cup of unsweetened tea. She handed the plate to him and sat the tea on the coffee table on top of a coaster. "I just meant like a bag of chips or something. You didn't have to do all this". He mixed the food together and took a bite.

"It's good. Where'd you get it?" he asked. "Made it myself". He pointed at the food with fork and nodded. "You did really well," he smiled. Devin noticed the dog that had now moved next to the TV stand. "Whose dog?". Geo looked over and said, "I got him last week. His name is Bean". Devin ate a forkful of food as he looked at the dog. "I guess a lot can happen in two weeks," he joked. "It's just a dog. It's not like anything major happened," she said. "What kind is he?".

"Pekingese". Bean slowly approached Devin and sniffed his pant leg. 

"I haven't heard from you in two weeks," Devin said. Geo raised an eyebrow at him. "The phone works both ways". He chuckled as he picked up more food with the fork. "I just figured you would be the one to reach out since you kissed me," he said. "If I remember correctly, you kissed me too," she retorted. "But you initiated it". Geo sat back into the couch and rolled her eyes. 

"However it happened, it shouldn't have happened and I apologize for my part in it". Devin nodded even though that wasn't what he came to hear. He wanted her to say she enjoyed it and that she wanted to explore a relationship with him. He wanted her to say what he so badly wanted to admit, but couldn't bring himself to.

"Well I apologize as well. I took it too far that night and it's good we ended it before anything else happened". Geo nodded in agreement. Neither of them knew why they kept lying to each other about what they felt. They also couldn't understand why they were lying to themselves. Devin and Geo weren't sure how much longer they could keep up this charade, but they knew it was worth a try for the sake of this peculiar friendship.

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