Take Me To The Riot

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D'Angelo poured vodka shots for the six of them to drink. They clinked their plastic cups together and drank the alcohol. 

"Aye we gotta watch you," D'Angelo said as he pointed at Geo. "Why me?" she questioned. "The last time we were together you ran off and got married to Devin," he laughed. "I swear I won't get that drunk tonight. I'm putting a limit on myself," she said. Brianna slicked her way over to Donovan and struck up a conversation with him. 

"And so it starts," Kennedy laughed. "You better get Karl before someone else does," she told her. "I heard my name," Karl said as he popped into the conversation. 

"Kennedy wants to fuck you," Geo boldly told him. Karl put his hand to his chest in shock to her bluntness. He turned to her and smiled as Kennedy's cheeks turned rosy red. "Is that true?" he asked. "There's some truth to it," she said trying to play cool. "How about we go and talk somewhere? Get to know each other a little better?" he said to her. She raised her index finger to Karl and turned around to Geo. "I don't want to leave you alone," she said. "It's fine," Geo assured her. "I'll find Danny and Peter and talk to them until Devin decides to show his face". 

Kennedy hesitated but then disappeared into the crowd with Karl and Geo moved over to Brianna. "Are you gonna...you know?" she asked. "Yeah, we're just talking right now though. In the next hour I'll predict we'll be making a mess in someone's sheets," Brianna cackled. Geo laughed with her and signaled to her that she was going to walk around to give them their privacy.

As Geo walked through the crowd she decided not to look for Danny and Peter. She instead walked outside where it was a little less loud and pulled out her phone. She dialed Jeremy's number as she had told him she would call. 

"I was waiting for your call," Jeremy said. "I know and I'm sorry it took so long. We've been here for like an hour and it totally slipped my mind," she said. "Well what's it like there? I hear Paradise Valley is the place" he chuckled. "So very crowded and so very loud," she laughed. "I bet it is. I can hear the music through the phone". She looked around the dimly lit street and focused back on the call. "I just wanted to hear your voice before I went to sleep," he said. "That's so cute. I'll text when I get home". They said their goodbyes and ended the call. 

Geo stood on the sidewalk and looked around. She took another sip of the whiskey in the red Solo cup and pondered what her next move should be. She could try and find Danny and Peter so she wasn't alone, but she didn't want to see them. She wanted to see Devin. That's why she came. She had to tell him tonight that she wanted to give a relationship a try. It had been six long months of denying how she felt about him and she couldn't deny it any longer. 

She took another drink before she walked back into the party. She made her way over to a couch and sat down. She watched the people at the party knowing she couldn't get drunk like them and felt a little envious. She had to be completely sober when she told Devin so he wouldn't think of it as a false admission brought about by alcohol.

After a few minutes on the couch, she got up and pushed her way into the backyard. It was all concrete with a pool that people were in. They had floats and pool noodles and were splashing water on each other. She sat down in a lounger and sipped on the alcohol as she watched the people play in the pool. As she was laid out poolside, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked over and was disappointed to see Danny hovering over her. "Hey," she said to him. "Long time no see". He sat down next to her and then looked around at the sights. "His place is nice. Have you been here before?". She shook her head and smiled gently. "No. It's my first time believe it or not. He would always make it a point to come to me".

"He seems like a nice guy," Danny said. "He's really nice". Danny got comfortable in the lounger as they continued to talk. 

"So then why annul the marriage?" he asked. "We were strangers who felt no obligation to stay married. I think for the both of us it seemed like the most reasonable thing to do at the time". He nodded as he sipped on his beer. "It seems to me like you're having regrets," he said. She turned to face him and sighed. "It was for the best that it happened but I do think on some cosmic level we were brought together for a reason. That reason? I'm not sure yet". Danny smiled at her and pat her on the thigh. "I'm sure the reason will show itself soon enough".

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