behind my words

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it comes in many different forms,
the words “i love you”.
strange how it can morph into something unrecognizable with a glimpse of its emotion.
it comes like a hurricane and calms you like a gentle breeze.
it's when i look at you and
tell you to be safe
or the time i've fallen a little late to sleep
just to finish what you've
requested me to do.
it's raining outside
so don't forget your coat and umbrella too.
it's when you told me about your dreams
and how i'd support you all throughout.
it's when i look at you and
tell you how lovely you look,
how glowing you are,
and how your smile is as
contagious as your laughter.
it's behind the words, “sleep early as you have school tomorrow.” and
how i tell you good night,
and please sleep tight.
it's between my stolen glances
when you are looking away.
i know you never wanted to
hear me say it to you because
you have your priorities straight,
but if you ever wanted to,
just hold my hand gently, look straight into my eyes (and see how it mirrors how i feel),
like you always do.

confessions i will never say and other proses | poetry book 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now