stay away [from me]

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don't you find it weird,
how your smiles
could send shockwaves,
down my spine,
how your light caresses
could leave trails of
sunflowers to my skin,
how your words
could bring about
the poetries i try to hide,


haven't i told you,
the book about my past?
how i was shred to pieces,
like a lion would to it's prey,
shockwaves of a terrified prey,
running for its life,
sunflowers that were once left on my skin,
promised to be watered and loved,
was left to wither and die,
by a man,
whose words, he tried his best, to make it rhyme,

that's why i'm telling you,

maybe it's best,
that you run away,
stay away,
stay away from me,

no one would want someone like me,

do not look at my eyes,
these have shed more tears than you've ever imagined,
do not touch my skin,
for he has shredded this to pieces, tried to sew it back together, only to rip it again to pieces,
do not hold my hand (like you did before),
i'm telling you now,
for he has held this before,
told me i have soft hands (even if my hands are rough), told me i have lovely hands,
only to let them go,
do not look at my lips,
he has kissed it before,
once, twice, thrice,
he kissed me with lying lips,
corrupting me in the process,
his lies were poison,
and i was so ready to give in,

that's why i'm telling you this,

i'm corrupted,
full of stitches,
drowning in my own tears,
i don't want you to be in here,
in this darkness i am already used to,
if you'll be with me here,
in this corrupted void,
then i'm fine on my own,
just so you won't experience,
all this chaos,
all this pain i went through.

confessions i will never say and other proses | poetry book 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now