darker shadows

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there are times when my past keeps haunting me; it never stops.
there are nights when it would remind me of all the mistakes i did before, my stupidity, and all my fucked-up decisions in life. i regret a few of them and that sometimes i wish i could turn back time and never do it again. i learned enough from all of it to know to never repeat the same mistakes.
but there came a time were it caught up with me again. most people are okay with their past. i am, too, to be honest, but as much as possible, i want nothing to do with it again so i steer away from it the best that i can. but reality's often a small world and i couldn't do anything.

it's still the same memory as how i remember it before. a dark shadow with words that flow like river and a honey-like voice, deep and smooth; a poison in disguise. it kept chasing me even when i kept running away. it kept asking for a friend. i looked at the shadow and ran again, denying it of its small request.

i learned from my mistakes and i am not going to do it again. i'm not going to throw myself into the pit-hole. i am not going to ensnare myself in the trap. i've done that mistake one too many times. fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, they said. that's enough.

the shadow can keep haunting me but i will never look back.

confessions i will never say and other proses | poetry book 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now