all of the above

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maybe it was the gentle tone in your voice
or the deep tone behind it,
maybe it's the twinkle and look in your eyes that always leaves me
jaw-dropped and mesmerized,
maybe it was the arch in your brows
whenever we'd tease each other,
maybe it was the deep dimples on your cheeks whenever you laugh with me,
or was it your plump lips
that i have always wanted to kiss?
maybe it was your warm hand and thin fingers that held my hand and caressed my hair, or maybe it was
your jaw against my left temple, or your chin resting on top of my head
when we were standing in line,
or was it your warm breath
as your nose was against the back of my head, your arms draped around my shoulders that gave me warmth until i feel like i could melt?
maybe i'm overcomplicating things
and it's probably just your gentle nature and magnetic aura,
but whatever it was,
it definitely made sure
i'll be falling in love with you
in the sweetest, most painful way.

confessions i will never say and other proses | poetry book 1 ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon