Imagine part 30

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Imagine part 30//
"What?" I asked, not sure what to answer. This must be what changed Harry.. I couldn't believe he told me, I never thought he would ever open up to me like this, only after 6 months. "I killed him", Harry whispered as tears ran down his cheeks. He buried his head in his hands as I slowly wrapped my arms around his warm body. "You're not a terrible person Harry", I whispered giving his neck a soft kiss, because that was the only exposed skin I could reach. He looked up at me, still with his bloodred eyes. "I killed my own father (y/n), I was 12.. He was a drug addict, and he-he used to throw things at me.. He used to call me things, kind of like I do to you except he was way worse. I sat with him when he was drunk, and he told me he wanted pills. I had some pills in my pocket, and I knew a big dose of those would kill him.. I knew, and I didn't hesitate to give them to him. How can I ever for a second think of doing that to my own dad? When he took them I just looked at him, I didn't tell him to stop, I just looked.. I looked and didn't do a thing! How is that not a terrible person?!" Harry asked raising his voice. Tears started falling down my own cheeks, listening to the pain in his voice, and that he actually told me.. It meant alot to me. "Harry..", I whispered trying to get him to look at me. "I killed my dad", he whispered as I wiped away his tears, cupping his cheeks. "How can you even look at me without being afraid? I will never be good for you (y/n)! You make me want to be good, but i'm just like my dad.. An angry addict", Harry said trying to get out of my grip, but I refused him to look away. "You're nothing like your dad, you quit! You're a great person Harry. I've seen every side to you, and I won't ever judge you.. I like you now, just the way you are, and nothing is going to make me change my mind!" I said giving him a slight smile. "I don't want you to be afraid of me", he whispered looking into my watery eyes. "I'm not afraid Harry", I whispered leaning closer to his face. "I don't deserve you", was the last thing he was able to say before our lips met, and the lovely feeling took over my body.//

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