Imagine part 44

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Imagine part 44/
"Hey", I said as I walked into the venue, seeing Vanessa and my stylist along with my managers and people working on the sound and with the lights. "Hey cutie", Vanessa said giving me a big hug. "So, what's been going on?" She asked curious. I smiled and sat down in an audiance chair. "We're kinda dating.. Me and Harry", I said blushing. He made me smile just by thinking of him. "You what?" She asked and sat down aswell, obviously wanting details. "He's taking me out tonight!" I almost shouted, really excited about him actually setting up some kind of suprise. "God, I have to like buy both him and his moter a gift, and my dad, they're all spending chistmas here", I mumbled to myself, realising christmas was next week. "Don't worry, i'll help you, now get on that stage and rehers so that you can be finished in time for your date", she said excited as she pushed my up.
Harry's P.O.V/
"not like that Niall", I said irritated when he placed things in the wrong place. "You're so picky", Niall mumbled irritated when all I did was make fun of him. "I want it to be perfect.. I want her to see I am trying to be the type of guy she wants.. You know, no yelling", I said as I handed him the new things that had to be set up. Niall nodded giving me a smile. "Well, don't sit around here Harry, go pick her up so you're not late! I'll fix the rest", he said almost pushing me away. "You better do it right!" I shouted as I made my way to the car. I took a deep breath and hit the gas pedal. Once I arrived the arena I stepped out of the car and walked inside, seeing her on stage by herself just singing. "Hey beautiful", I said in the microphone by the soundtable. "Harry!" She said and got up, running towards me with open arms. I let out a small giggle as I held her petit body in my arms. "You ready to go?" I asked giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead. She smiled and nodded as she leaned in to kiss my lips. "Let's go", she said. I nodded and took her hand, guiding her out to the car. "I hope you like my suprise"/

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