Chapter One: Routines

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Monday morning. Time for another day of training. I hope it rains. At least it will keep us somewhat cool. I glance at the clock beside my bed and jump up.

Shit, I slept in! I was supposed to be there an hour ago. Onyx will call me out on it for sure. I'm never late. I rush to my closet and take out one of my many training outfits: a long-sleeved, skin-tight black shirt and leggings to match. I quickly look at my reflection in the closet mirror. My hair is a matted mess. I grimace and throw it into a messy bun, not bothering to brush it out. I grab my training bag and stuff some clothes in. Throwing it on my shoulder, I hesitate.

Am I going to need these? I think of the pups and how all they do is screw around. I'm not in the best mood to begin with. Better bring them just in case. I should go for a quick run before heading out to the field. I'm already late as it is, what're another thirty minutes? I could just head straight there and have the guys run too. That will stretch us all out enough. I think about how they never seem to shut up when we run together, asking stupid and meaningless questions like what I did the night before instead of hanging out with them again. They tend to over-share their thoughts a lot, so I decide to go running alone. The guys will be annoyed, but I have to keep my head clear if we're going to accomplish anything.

I sigh as I walk downstairs to the kitchen. Eating something first is probably wise, but it'll only make me slower. I have to be at the top of my game if I have any chance of training a successful pack. My thoughts suddenly make a sharp turn to my father. His big smile and bright eyes. How we held each other at my mother's funeral and how he changed after that. He stopped waking me up with breakfast in the morning, giving me a goodnight hug and kiss before he went to bed, and then he stopped coming home. He would run and train with his pack all day. He would stop in long enough to shower but immediately leave after he was done without a word. My heart aches. I miss him terribly. We were so close, and he was torn away from me along with my mother.

"Why did you give up? You were the strongest person I knew, and you just gave up. You didn't even try to work through her death, you selfish prick."

 I shake my head, trying to clear it and focus on what matters—the pack. I run my hands over my face with a huff and grab my keys before heading out. Once I step outside, my heart drops, and I groan. The sun is shining bright and beating down with intense heat. Of course, it's blazing out. Training will be rough. I briefly consider blowing off training for today, but I know I have no choice. I can't afford to do that, there's way too much to do, and I'm crunched on time. Especially with five pups new to the change. Calling them pups might be unfair, but they're younger than anyone else in the pack, not to mention completely inexperienced. 

Most of them just went through the change, the youngest fifteen and the oldest eighteen, while the rest of the pack are all twenty-five, myself included. They have a lot to learn before they're ready, and I have no time to waste. When we get too hot, I'll have Onyx split us up to do rounds and meet up at the river to clean and cool off before calling it a day. Astyonyx is my oldest and most cherished friend. We would die for each other. We never even fought growing up. I'm closer to him than I've ever been with anyone. With our fathers in the pack, we spent every day together while they went out to do rounds and training. It created an unbreakable bond between us.

I sigh and crack my neck before I head out for my run. I usually push myself and run fast, but it's too hot today. I jog my usual route and focus on keeping my breathing steady. Out of nowhere, I hear a strange noise and quiet growling. I freeze up and stand as still as I can. I sniff the air and can smell the typical earthy scent of the ground, and then I catch a hint of something else. Usually, when I'm in danger, my wolf rages inside me, but I feel nothing. I figure it's just an animal and start jogging again. I'm close to the field, so I end my run and head over. As I walk onto the field towards the pack, Onyx smiles and gives me a nod in greeting.

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