Chapter Nine: Growth Spurt

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I wake up with a start and stretch and I'm surprised that there's no pain. I also feel completely rested, I feel great. I look at the clock and quickly jump out of bed. My legs seem to still be a bit wobbly and they buckle under me, causing me to fall to the floor and bang my head off of the wall.

"Son of a bitch!"


Onyx walks in holding a wide awake Shadow and smiles, trying not to laugh.

"Don't you dare."

At those words, he loses it and starts laughing hard. I try to glare but it's so cute and such a happy sound and I laugh too as I get up.

"I'm sorry. Are you ok?"

"Yeah. Just lost my balance."

"Liar. I heard you jump out of bed. You know your legs are going to be weak. Did you hit your head?"


"Oh, so that hole has been there?"


I hug them both and kiss Shadow's cheek.

"What, no kiss for me?"

I smile and kiss him sweetly before walking out to the kitchen for a drink. Onyx walks into the living room and I hear music play softly. He comes out into the kitchen and puts his arms around my waist.

"What's the music from?"

"Doc brought a crib and a mobile for Shadow. Also something called a diaper genie. Is it too much to hope that it's an actual genie that supplies and changes diapers?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Are you hungry? I can make you something."

"Not really. Just thirsty, why did you let me sleep for so long? It's going on two in the afternoon."

"You're kidding, right?"

I just look at him and shrug.

"Mallory, you just had a baby less than twenty-four hours ago. Doc was here around nine and checked on you, you slept through it. He said you're completely healed but he wants you to take it easy for a week still. He said you can still be on your feet for twenty minutes at a time and it's been five."

"If I'm healed, why does it matter how long I stand for?"

"Your.. area.. is completely healed but your body still needs rest to get back to normal. Just listen. Please?"

I groan and pout, and he holds my face and kisses me softly.

"For me and Shadow? You can't take care of him if you can't take care of yourself."

"That's not fair. Don't involve Shadow in this."


I sigh and roll my eyes.

"But I will. For you and Shadow. But mostly for Shadow."

"Oh, I see. So now that we have Shadow, you don't need me anymore? You got all you need?"

"I will always need you Onyx. Always. Cross my heart."

"God I've never loved anyone as much as I love you. Except for Shadow, of course."

"Not even your dad?"

Pain flickers in his eyes and he quickly tries to hide it by smiling.

"Shit Onyx, that was uncool. I'm so..."

He kisses me hard and slips his tongue over mine. I moan and jump into his arms. He holds me tight and kisses me more until he can tell I'm getting worked up, then sets me back down.

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