Chapter Five: Followed

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I slowly wake up, still lying on Onyx's chest. We both must've been too exhausted to move during the night. His breathing is slow, and his heartbeat is strong. I kiss his chest and get up to stretch out carefully. I feel so much better. Everything is healed up now. My ankle is still sore, but it's much better than it was. I still can't believe so much has happened since Monday. I don't remember when I last ate, so I tiptoe into the kitchen. 

Nothing in the fridge or cupboards catches my eye, and my stomach is growling loudly. I carefully peek in the room to make sure Onyx is still sleeping and decide to go hunting for about an hour. I close the bedroom door and walk out the front, shutting it behind me. I breathe deep, taking in the fresh and warm night air. I feel like I haven't had a moment to relax in days. I shift silently and pad into the woods, taking my time to stretch out my muscles and sniff around until I catch a slight scent of deer. My wolf growls hungrily in anticipation of the hunt, and I start running silently through the trees, making a beeline for the deer. I spot him by a riverbed, blissfully unaware of my presence and happily drinking the cool water. I stalk closer to my prey, drooling, and strike like a cobra for his neck. The deer kicks frantically, desperate to get away from me, but he's not going anywhere. I'm way too strong for him. I tear into his throat and finish him off, unable to wait for it to die on its own, and viciously tear off chunks of meat. It's so warm and fresh and tastes delicious, and I eat the entire thing before I stretch and shake out my fur, then start trotting back to the cabin, happy with a full stomach.

I ran about thirty minutes out tracking that deer and consider running back, but go slow and enjoy the peace. I'm about ten minutes away from the cabin when I hear a branch snap to my right. I turn and see a wolf standing behind a tree and remember that Onyx said he called the guys out. I look back to go on my way, then immediately snap my head back at the wolf. I don't recognize him. I drop my head, already baring my teeth and growling low in a warning, and he watches me very closely as I stalk towards him. I decide to reach out and see if he responds.

"I want your name and what you're doing now."

"My name is Fergus, and I am no danger to you. I noticed you about twenty minutes ago and decided to follow you."


"I got ambushed by a few wolves about thirty minutes in the other direction and saw you and thought maybe you could help me."

"What did you do to get attacked?"

"Are they your men?"

"No. Answer my question."

"I was out hunting, and judging by the blood soaking your paws and muzzle, you got the deer I was tracking."

I keep my distance and size him up quickly. He's torn up pretty badly. If he tries to take me down, I'll have no problem taking him out. With a huff, I turn back towards the cabin and start walking.

"Follow me. There's a cabin up here. I'll help you get cleaned and something to eat, then you can go back on your way."

"That's nice of you... I'm sorry I didn't catch your name."


"Mallory. That's a beautiful name. I'm sure it fits you well."

"Yeah, this will be a nicer walk if you don't talk."

"Message received."

We reach the cabin, and I look back at Fergus following a bit too close behind and shift back.

"Stay here."

I walk up to the door and go inside, walking straight back to the bedroom. The door is open, and Onyx isn't in bed. I panic but hear the shower turn on and sigh in relief before throwing some clothes on and grabbing some for Fergus. I walk back out and drop the clothes on the porch.

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