Chapter Four: There can only be one

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"That's impossible. It's only a myth."

My dad shakes his head and speaks up from his spot by the door.

"No, it isn't."

"I believed it was a myth too until now. Ten years ago, not too long before Mrs. Williams passed, Mason got very sick. He was weak. He had significantly decreased healing speed, dizzy and fainting spells, severe nose bleeds, and dramatically increased body temperature. I can't believe I didn't recognize the symptoms sooner. Pine has nothing to do with what's wrong with Mallory."

He turns to Onyx.

"You do."

Onyx jumps to his feet, his fists clenched and shaking with anger.

"I would never hurt her!"

"I know that. However, you are an Alpha, and so is Mallory. You're both on the same pack, and as everyone knows.."

"Packs can't have two Alphas. They can only have one. Fuck.."

"One of you must be exiled from the pack."

"Why aren't I sick too?"

"Because you're the Alpha of your pack. Mallory is your Beta, and by being your Beta, her blood is waging war against her body, much like Mason's was."

"But my father died. Mason could've stepped up."

"Sure, if Levi didn't have you. Since your father was Alpha and died, you became the next in line. Not Mason."

"Why is it an issue now? It's been ten years since I joined the pack. Also, if that's the problem, why didn't my mark show up until recently? You would have noticed it on one of our routine checkups, right?"

"It takes a while to become a serious, life-threatening problem. And though every bloodline of Alphas has an Alpha mark, not every Alpha's mark will appear on their body. In most cases, the mark shows up if the Alpha, in particular, isn't fulfilling their purpose. Onyx's mark hasn't shown up yet and most likely won't because he's an Alpha of a pack."

We all look at Onyx, and he shifts his feet, uncomfortable with this situation. I look back to Doc.

"Not fulfilling my purpose? So, being a Beta when I was born to be an Alpha?"


"I'll do it. I'll be exiled."

"No, Mallory, you're a great leader. You should be Alpha. I'll step down."

"No, it's your pack. It's always been your pack. I am so honored to have been a part of it, Onyx. That's all I could ask for. I'm stepping down. I never wanted it anyway. You know how uncomfortable I was being your Beta. I don't like the responsibility."

"The pack needs you, Mal."

"No, they don't. They need their Alpha. They need you."


"Onyx, it's alright. Really, please just do it already."

He takes a deep breath as he looks down, tears streaming down his face, and sniffles before he steps closer and speaks with the voice of an Alpha.

"Mallory Williams, you are hereby and forever more.. exiled from my pack."

I can feel my wolf whimper and recoil with the power behind the words. It doesn't necessarily hurt, but it isn't comfortable. I suddenly feel much cooler as my body temperature begins to regulate and my heart rate slows. Doc takes more blood to take more tests, and my temperature and I start to heal as I usually do.

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