Chapter Two: Pine

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I hear screaming and run as fast as possible through the trees. Trying to find her.

"Mom?! Mom, I can't find you! Where are you?!"

She screams again, louder this time. It makes my stomach clench painfully, and my blood runs cold.

"Mom, please! I can't see. It's too dark! Run! Run towards my voice as fast as you can!"

I try to shift again, but I'm far too panicked. I can't think straight. I keep running blindly in the direction of her screams. She screams louder than I've ever heard, and I don't need to see her to know that she's being killed.

"Mom, no!"

I break through a clearing and finally see my mom. She's covered in blood, her blood. The smell makes my stomach turn, and standing in front of her is Pine.

"Mallory! So nice of you to join us. We're having such a wonderful time."

"Let her go, Pine! Take me instead! Please! I'll do anything!"

"Mallory, you fool. It isn't time for us to dance yet, love."

He smiles, an evil look in his eyes. He's hungry for death. He looks at my mom, who's barely hanging on, then pulls his hand back and throws it forward, plunging it into her chest.


I scream so loud it hurts and run to her as Pine rips her heart out. I fall to my knees and hold my mom in my arms, my tears falling on her lifeless face.

"Mom, please! Please don't leave me! I need you! You can't do this to me, mommy, please!"

Her bloodied and lifeless body looks so broken. I scream, more hot tears falling down my face. She's gone. I'll never see her smile again or hear her voice, feel her arms wrap me in a loving embrace. I hold her close, sobbing into her hair. Pine steps in front of me and grabs my arms, roughly pulling me to my feet. He's covered in her blood.

"I look forward to our dance of death, Mallory."

He laughs psychotically as he raises his arm above his head. I hear screaming again, but it's different this time. I brace myself as Pine brings his arm down hard and fast, and as it hits my head, my eyes fly open. My breathing is ragged and heavy, and I feel warm hands on my arms.

"It's alright, Mal. It was just a nightmare. You're safe. I got you."

Tears run down my face, and I'm covered in sweat.

"I heard screaming."

"That was you. Come here."

He pulls me against his chest and plays with my hair as I cry.

"Shh, it's ok. I'm here."

I finally calm down after about ten minutes and realize I'm in Onyx's bed.

"What happened? How did I get here?"

"You don't remember? You scared the fuck out of me."

I shake my head, and he gives me a weird look.

"How did I scare you? I don't remember anything."

"You were in the bathroom and about to shower. I heard you groaning, and it sounded like you were in pain. I tried to open the door, but you locked it and wouldn't respond to me. When I broke down the door, I watched you collapse unconscious to the floor with your hands covered in blood. I tried to wake you for several minutes before I gave up, carried you to my bed, and then called Doc. He doesn't know what happened. He came over, took your blood, and did some tests, but he hasn't found anything. You've been out for three days. I've been worried sick."

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