Chapter Eight: Shadow

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*Two months later*

I'm in bed with Onyx, where I've been for the past two weeks since Doc put me on bed rest, and Onyx is highly adamant about enforcing his order. I tried over and over and even fought with Onyx to let me get up and walk around for five minutes, but he refused to go against Doc's advice. He did get a tv and DVD player, though, so I can watch something at least. Right now, I'm lying on his chest, matching my breathing to his heartbeat, and he's watching some western. I hate them, but he loves them, and he's done so much for me lately, so I don't mind. I yawn loud, and he smiles at me.

"I'm sorry. Did I interrupt your movie?'

"Of course not. Why don't you try to get some sleep? You haven't slept a lot in the last few weeks."

"It's too difficult. I can't get comfortable enough with my stomach being the size of a watermelon. Trust me, if this crap isn't putting me to sleep, nothing will."

He laughs and gently places his hand on my belly to rub it, and he's beaming. We both feel the baby kick me and I jump and grimace. Onyx's smile disappears.

"What is it? Are you in pain? Are you going into labor?"

"Onyx, calm yourself. The baby kicks hard. I keep telling you that. It's uncomfortable, but everything is fine. I think you've had even less sleep than I have. You worry too much."

"I'm fine. I don't need a lot of sleep. And I'm not worried."

I roll my eyes at him, and he laughs.


I groan and squirm around, and he gets to his knees, prepared to lift me.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just proving a point. You're worrying too much."

"Ok fine, I'm worried, but I'm excited too. I didn't think this would happen with me and never dreamed it would happen with the only girl I've ever loved. I never even thought I'd be able to call you mine, and now we're having a baby. We started a family, Mal. I don't think I could be any happier than I am right now."

I smile at him and then look away because I can feel tears coming to my eyes, and I know Onyx will only get concerned, so I try to hide it. It never works.

"Are you in pain?"

"I'm going to kick you out of the room if you keep doing that. I'm fine. I'm just happy."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Now, kiss..."

He wastes no time, and his lips are mine before I finish my sentence. He hasn't touched me in at least a month, and it's starting to get to me. I'm hoping to get him riled up enough that he'll give in. I sit up, put my hands on his face, and he holds my hands. I trace his lip with my tongue, and I can already feel him starting to pull away. I move closer to keep my lips on his, but he stops me.

"Mal, no."

"Come on! You refuse to do anything; honestly, it's beginning to get offensive. I know I gained some weight and have stretch marks now and..."

He puts his finger to my lips to silence me.

"You can't believe I'm refusing to sleep with you because you gained a little weight... because you're pregnant... with my child, Mallory."

"Well, Onyx, I don't know. As soon as the baby started growing and I got bigger, you stopped touching me, showering with me, and even kissing me. What else am I supposed to think?"

"You're fucking insane. I would love nothing more than to rip that gown off of you and take you right this second, but Doc put you on bed rest for a reason. If he thinks you shouldn't be on your feet, he definitely won't want you doing that."

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